0 thoughts on “Nutjob racist Jewish land thieves build Star of David on Palestinian land”
This is Talmudic: “Whichever Jew first puts his spade into the land of the goyim, it becomes his. It is as if the land were uninhabited desert.” That marker is a land claim.
“The settlers built the Star of David as a crude way of marking territory.”
Would that all their yidiocentric expressions of hatred be so relatively harmless to life and limb of all they steal from.
Here’s a phenomenon :
A man (or a village) was once targeted by the spooks (or the mentally ill IDF). The thugs ran a Pavlovian routine …
They will make a surprise visit to the man, surround him and light matchsticks, and then laugh and leave. … Within a few hours, the man will suffer a misfortune (loss of property, death of family member, damage to person, etc.).
The thugs kept repeating the cycle (of matchstick lighting) in every visit … and the misfortune/ trauma will follow, for the man, after every such visit.
After this was repeated a hundred (or few hundred times) … …
Some Truthers from around the world went to visit him. He was happy to see them, and talk to them, and know of their concern for him. And then, suddenly, a smoker from amongst the visitors lit a matchstick …
And the man had an EXAGGERATED response!!!
The visitors (who are well aware of all kinds of bizarre misdeeds of the Jews) found it odd. They thought the man went crazy! [And that’s exactly what lets the thugs off the hook.]
This is just ONE miniscule example of what the Secret Services (and their networks) do to people around the World (as they have done to SCORES of people, especially in target Muslim countries)!
This psychological torture/ warfare gets very creative … e.g. …
— Matchsticks can be precursors to murder of children
— Strange sounds at the same time every day may be precursors of slander campaigns by neighbors
— Patterns/ garbage left in the vicinity of the home may be precursors of humiliation campaigns at the shops that the target visits regularly
— Home break-ins or stolen laundry might mean occult attacks on the family/ children …
… (And this list could be endless.)
In the featured article, the filthy star could easily be a threat (or a reminder) or imminent dismemberment/ maiming/ blowing up of children … who knows! In such persecution, neighbors, relatives, colleagues, friends etc. are often COMPLICIT perpetrators.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY even the most aware activist/ journalist/ truther can completely understand the DEGREE of suffering/ torment of these victims.
Only God Knows what HORRORS these people have suffered. I could easily imagine that the bombed-and-dismembered photos of Palestinian/ Syrians (or the vacuous looks on e.g. Abu Graib prisoners) is only 20% of their wounds… because 80% of the real wounds bled with blood that cannot be seen!
This is what Satan’s seed/ army is doing around the world. Because these Satans know that they are destined for Hell (as Joe Biden says!) … so they are unleashing HELL for humans (ESP. the most decent of Souls that are most likely heaven-bound).
And in doing so … the Satans are using descriptions from Scriptures, and creative ideas from Jinn Satans!
I won’t be surprised if ‘classics’ such as “Dante’s Inferno” are a partial result of this demonic insanity … as well as a partial reference. :/
Also, End Times’ prophecies suggest (as even Sheikh Imran Hosein suggests) that to save one’s Faith/ one’s life/ family from the vile torments of Antichrist Dajjal … the best thing a Believer can do is to retreat to rural areas and mountains.
In the featured article, the vile Jews (who know all scriptures well, and play specifically by the Prophecies) may be staging this phenomenon to ‘signal’ to the people that you’re not even safe in villages anymore! [Where are you going to run/ hide?]
The Jew Satans are cunning enough to know that the average Westerner will not see beyond their own cultural reference points (such as “crop circles”) … and will not understand what degree of horror, anguish or implication this phenomenon has for the targets there.
I pray for all my wounded brothers and sisters… and I eagerly wait … for THAT day (soon) … when:
“Allah will punish them by [y]our hands and disgrace them and give [you] victory over them and heal the hearts/ souls of a believing people!” (Quran, 9:14)
And Allah’s Promise NEVER fails.
If a Jew walking in the woods comes across two sticks that happened to be cruciform, he will go insane unless he breaks them apart. God raise Jews up from those rocks. They are the same as dead rocks. No better.
That shape is geometric. It can be created by inducing a certain frequency ( sound / vibration ) on say a water droplet.
This is Talmudic: “Whichever Jew first puts his spade into the land of the goyim, it becomes his. It is as if the land were uninhabited desert.” That marker is a land claim.
“The settlers built the Star of David as a crude way of marking territory.”
Would that all their yidiocentric expressions of hatred be so relatively harmless to life and limb of all they steal from.
Here’s a phenomenon :
A man (or a village) was once targeted by the spooks (or the mentally ill IDF). The thugs ran a Pavlovian routine …
They will make a surprise visit to the man, surround him and light matchsticks, and then laugh and leave. … Within a few hours, the man will suffer a misfortune (loss of property, death of family member, damage to person, etc.).
The thugs kept repeating the cycle (of matchstick lighting) in every visit … and the misfortune/ trauma will follow, for the man, after every such visit.
After this was repeated a hundred (or few hundred times) … …
Some Truthers from around the world went to visit him. He was happy to see them, and talk to them, and know of their concern for him. And then, suddenly, a smoker from amongst the visitors lit a matchstick …
And the man had an EXAGGERATED response!!!
The visitors (who are well aware of all kinds of bizarre misdeeds of the Jews) found it odd. They thought the man went crazy! [And that’s exactly what lets the thugs off the hook.]
This is just ONE miniscule example of what the Secret Services (and their networks) do to people around the World (as they have done to SCORES of people, especially in target Muslim countries)!
This psychological torture/ warfare gets very creative … e.g. …
— Matchsticks can be precursors to murder of children
— Strange sounds at the same time every day may be precursors of slander campaigns by neighbors
— Patterns/ garbage left in the vicinity of the home may be precursors of humiliation campaigns at the shops that the target visits regularly
— Home break-ins or stolen laundry might mean occult attacks on the family/ children …
… (And this list could be endless.)
In the featured article, the filthy star could easily be a threat (or a reminder) or imminent dismemberment/ maiming/ blowing up of children … who knows! In such persecution, neighbors, relatives, colleagues, friends etc. are often COMPLICIT perpetrators.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY even the most aware activist/ journalist/ truther can completely understand the DEGREE of suffering/ torment of these victims.
Only God Knows what HORRORS these people have suffered. I could easily imagine that the bombed-and-dismembered photos of Palestinian/ Syrians (or the vacuous looks on e.g. Abu Graib prisoners) is only 20% of their wounds… because 80% of the real wounds bled with blood that cannot be seen!
This is what Satan’s seed/ army is doing around the world. Because these Satans know that they are destined for Hell (as Joe Biden says!) … so they are unleashing HELL for humans (ESP. the most decent of Souls that are most likely heaven-bound).
And in doing so … the Satans are using descriptions from Scriptures, and creative ideas from Jinn Satans!
I won’t be surprised if ‘classics’ such as “Dante’s Inferno” are a partial result of this demonic insanity … as well as a partial reference. :/
Also, End Times’ prophecies suggest (as even Sheikh Imran Hosein suggests) that to save one’s Faith/ one’s life/ family from the vile torments of Antichrist Dajjal … the best thing a Believer can do is to retreat to rural areas and mountains.
In the featured article, the vile Jews (who know all scriptures well, and play specifically by the Prophecies) may be staging this phenomenon to ‘signal’ to the people that you’re not even safe in villages anymore! [Where are you going to run/ hide?]
The Jew Satans are cunning enough to know that the average Westerner will not see beyond their own cultural reference points (such as “crop circles”) … and will not understand what degree of horror, anguish or implication this phenomenon has for the targets there.
I pray for all my wounded brothers and sisters… and I eagerly wait … for THAT day (soon) … when:
“Allah will punish them by [y]our hands and disgrace them and give [you] victory over them and heal the hearts/ souls of a believing people!” (Quran, 9:14)
And Allah’s Promise NEVER fails.
If a Jew walking in the woods comes across two sticks that happened to be cruciform, he will go insane unless he breaks them apart. God raise Jews up from those rocks. They are the same as dead rocks. No better.
That shape is geometric. It can be created by inducing a certain frequency ( sound / vibration ) on say a water droplet.