A mohel who performs the controversial circumcision rite metzitzah b’peh would no longer have to obtain a signed consent in New York under a tentative agreement.
ed note–there is no other religion in the world that engages as part of its established, ritualistic practices something as heinous and as barbaric as sucking a baby boy’s male member after mutilating it with a knife. What’s worse is that this practice has been around for thousands of years as just one small indicator underscoring the truly demented, deranged nature of Judaism and those who follow/practice it, and yet, the boogeyman that the West is all anxious about these days is Islam, which would not engage in something as perverse as this if a gun were held to the collective head of its 1.6 billion followers.
This is so obscure, but I read it as meaning that the law may continue to be disregarded in regards to the seeking of permission of the parents in respect of the mohel putting his lips to the penis of the freshly circumcised infant, but if the infant contracts herpes then that mohel is banned for life.