4 thoughts on “Obama accepted $1.3mn in gifts from Saudis in 2014: Report”
  1. The effect of millions of dollars worth of gifts on the White House occupant is smaller than (and can be erased by) a snarl form Israel.
    What did they give to Srah — the combover criminal’s wife, the empty bottles thief. Maybe a gold and emerald replica of a recyclable bottle done up as a pendant?

  2. ” Obama’s a Muuuuuslum ,Obama’s a Muuuuuslum”, the stupid US public of the FOX News persuasion will whine !
    The Tea Party Hicks , will wave this news around with their beer ,and hot doggie.
    What they US stooges dont understand us Saudi Arabia is allied with Israel ,as are all the Gulf States.
    Their tied with the International Jews in London/NY,and DC.

    They better be ,or an ” Arab Spring” will be pulled on them, and a ” nice ” insurgency ,” fighting for freedom ” ,care of the CIA/Mossad.

  3. There is something that almost nobody pays any attention to it and that is the source of this problem. Unfortunately almost all people look at the corrupt puppet leaders, but not the roots or sources. Here when you are leader or president of an empire (US) which is only looking for its own extreme capitalist interests around the world, then this country cannot follow ethics or give advice to its puppet followers.

    Now, put yourself at Obama, Bush or other corrupt presidents’ place; how can you follow ethical point of views and give advice to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others and at the same time follow the rules of your own Empire? So here the problem is the extreme capitalist system in the US and as a leader of this system or country, you have to follow evil… Or in other words, when the roots of a tree are rotten or corrupt, you cannot expect good fruits from that tree…

  4. It’s the system ,as AL put it….the West is owned by International Jewish Finance.
    Every leader just be vetted by them.
    JFK in the USA got away with it for a time than we all know what happened….Nixon played games, then was shown the door.

    The power of the eternal Jews is in ” the root ” ,of very Foundations of society.

    When a leader manages to break free he and nation targeted.

    Just try to run for office without the Jews blessing ?
    Even if off the reservation a tiny bit ,your life becomes hell.

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