Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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What garbage from a ‘Conservative’. Funny how ‘the Right Wing,’ just loves the river anti tradiinal, revolutionary Jew !
I thought one cannot say, “Jews own Holyywood?”. Of course Israeli agent ,Kosher ,’Patriot,’ conspiracy theorist Alex Jones says the Arabs do !
I guess this ‘artist,’ didn’t get the right script !
What a deranged, clueless moron! Someone should’ve kicked his ass in the streets.
Of course the Jews OWN Hollywood film and music. Look at the 1950s and b4. Especially 1960 in Laurel Canyon with the Vietnam war brewing via Tinkin incident which never happened, and the music industry using love peace and flower power to control “people” thru “artists” like the doors and Jim Morrison. Yeah his dad was the admiral of the south Pacific fleet that “saw” the NVA attack the Maddox on that faithful day. One Morrison was a war supporter, and the other Morrison was doing the same, but his music was suggesting anti war. BS Jim Morrison was in it for all he could get, and then wanted out. Ooh too late they said. MK Ultra in action via a vie the Jews in Hollywood. Drugs sex and chicks for free Morrison said. What else could ya want? The screaming fans never saw it.