Sabba – Some say that we live in an Orwellian world. Others say that we live in a Brave New World. I think we are in both. Politically, it is Orwellian but sociologically, the people of the west are definitely as those described in by Huxley. We have become a people ‘with an infinite appetite for distractions’, people who love nothing more than our servitude, for as long as we are kept entertained.


One thought on “Obama: We Live In “A Brave New World””
  1. His mouth is moving. He is lying.Being ingenuous. Hoping to pull of the same good feelings he roused at the beginning of his dishonest career in the White House.

    Of course he is pimply spreading more of his disastrous “hope and change” dialectic.

    Personally I find the Brave New World of Huxley to be the twin of 1984 because we are already there….

    We live in 1984 on steroids, but the Brave New World is almost complete. One more war… and North America is being primed to be the uncivilized world detached from the older, settled, BNW of cloned people….

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