Ed-note (Sabba) – This speech was not about jewish-american heritage but rather a clarification on his policy towards Iran and a further explanation on the so-called ‘disagreement’ with Netanyahu.

Obama starts by remembering the jewish holiday of Shavuot, where Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai (23-25MAY) but fails to even mention the Christian holiday of Pentecost (today, 24 May).

He acknowledges that Shavuot is the founding stone of our civilization (sic); he reiterates his own personal unbreakable bond with the jewish state, his unshakable commitment to israel’s security and reminds everyone that no administration has done more for the jewish state than his.

After such introduction, comes the “plat de resistance” at 12’45: IRAN. 

Obama states firmly that he is in total agreement with Netanyahu regarding Iran: Iran must not be allowed to get nuclear weapons. However, there is a debate on how to achieve this.

Obama wants a deal that will block every single one of Iran’s paths to get a nuclear weapon. But while he and Netanyahu agree on this, they disagree on tactics as to how to prevent Iran from joining the nuclear club.

No matter what the disagreement may look like, israel must know that America has its back and always will. The overall message we get from this speech is that Obama has israel’s interests at heart much more that Netanyahu has: indeed, Obama represents jewish values much better than Bibi himself.

0 thoughts on “Obama’s message: I represent American Jewish values better than Netanyahu”
  1. “He beats me down, and humiliates the kids, but when Israel is sober, I know there must be a loving compassionate man in him somewhere. Like that time he took me to those spectacular waterfalls. Oh sure he accidently shoved me over the cliff and my head slammed against the rocks. But when I came to, there was this beautiful cascading rainbow that shimmered & flickered on the water droplets. I often would pictured that perfect rainbow as I laid in my body brace for thosr 4 1/2 years. And how would I have ever met my wonderful caretakers. Oh sure, at first I questioned some of their procedures and operations, but at least I know my kidney and other spare organs went to someone in need. I still get cards from his secretary at Goldman Sachs. And as for Israel, he still sleeps around on me, but there’s not much I can do but try and cover expenses on my disability check. Fortunately, Israel likes to give to others if he could. We got rid of the cat, so we could give 40 dollars to charity; Israel suggested us sending it to the Holocaust victims families, and help them build some Settlements in East Jerusalem & the West Bank. He’s hoping we can recover soon, or I can recover soon. He says we’ll, I’ll need to help raise money for victims coming to new purchased, promised land in Syria. Israel says the current residence will be leaving soon. You see, he’s a decent guy, you’re just not looking hard enough…

  2. Are the “Jewish values” this communist negro puppet mentions the ones found in the Talmud, such as lying, stealing, swindling, adultery, pornography, molestation of children, torturing children and the elderly, genocidal impulses against all of humanity, and racist hatred against all of humanity (especially the Semitic peoples of the Middle East)? It is also quite interesting that all Jewish holy days either celebrate the massacre of Gentiles (Passover, Purim, etc.), or celebrate “historical” events which only occurred on the pages of the Hebrew Bible. Their heads are so crammed full of mythology, that these people have absolutely zero perception or understanding of actual HISTORY. Their entire self identities are based upon nothing more than fairy tales and historical fiction concocted by ancient people not even related to them.

    Even though prior to 9-11 (an Inside Neo-con-artist/Mossad Job), the so-called “Israelis” have viciously attacked American civilians and military personnel on ten previous occasions, the occupied government of Bolshevik America says to the number one enemy of Mankind, “We have your back.” WTF!?!?!

    While the leadership of Iran has repeatedly stated that they have no intentions of building nuclear weapons because they consider such weapons to be the height of immorality and insanity, the demonic government which occupies all of Palestine has every major city in Europe targeted with their vast array of internationally illegal nuclear weapons (the Samson Option).

    Western civilization is founded on Greek and Roman philosophical and political thought. As even Jewish archaeologists teaching at Tel Aviv University know, there was no divine revelation on the top of Mount Sinai from Yahweh (the literary character who plays the part of “God” in the H.B.) to another literary character Moshe. The biblical Exodus epic is loosely based upon the late 16th century BCE military expulsion from Egypt of the Canaanite, or West Semitic Hyksos people after they had occupied northern Egypt for over a century during Egypt’s Second Intermediate Period. So from where did all these “divine” laws originate? A fairly large number of the divine legal regulations that the Jerusalem priesthood claims Yahweh revealed to them were simply appropriated from Mesopotamian law codes, or were simply reworked tribal laws.

    We have been continuously fed the false narrative that before Moses’ receiving the Ten Commandments, ancient civilizations had no concept of morality or wisdom. Morality is a “gift of the Jews” (LMFAO). However, when the ancient Egyptian language and the two major languages of Mesopotamia – Sumerian and Akkadian – were deciphered in the 19th century, a massive corpus of ancient and profound moral codes and wisdom literature was revealed to the modern world (all now available in scholarly English translations, btw). In fact, the old moral maxim of treating others as you would wish to be treated yourself originally comes from Akkadian wisdom literature written in Babylon, the premier city of the ancient world during the Bronze Age (ca. 3000 to 1200 BCE). Additionally, out of ten commandments, only six are actual moral precepts – Honor your parents, do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not provide false testimony against your neighbor in a court of law, and do not lust after the possessions of another (Deuteronomy 5:16-21). Ooooh, the Ten Commandments, so morally profound! Among the civilizations that preceded the little vassal kingdoms of Israel and Judah by 2,000 years, who would have known that murdering, lying, and stealing was morally wrong? Western civilization – we are so morally indebted to these plagiarizers from Iron Age Jerusalem. On an interesting side note: the Late Bronze Age town of Jerusalem (Yeru-shalem) is named after the Canaanite god of dusk, Shalem. The Israelites could not escape their polytheistic “pagan” roots, which can be seen liberally sprinkled throughout the biblical text.

  3. What horror ! What arrogance! What Jew worship ! The Jews as “The centerpiece of our civilization”. Absolute rubbish. This dismissed every other culture/civilization,and subjected everyone to the Jews role,and yes rule . While simultaneously the Jews dismiss any power they might have as mere side line,or evil “anti -semtism “. But indeed Obama “the Muslim”,according to the Jew led “Right”, is correct. The malevolent force,or Demurige ,known as Yahweh is becoming ever more powerful,as all, yield to the Jews,exclusive “God”. “Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh”. It is sickening how he,and every political figure ,must prove how “Jewish they are”. This goes on,all over the West. The term International Jew,is in full force.

  4. Great comments on the site ! The West is primarily based on the ideals of the Greco-Roman world. The Polis-Imperium,respectively. Aristotle,Plato,and the rest. Name me anything the “magic Jews”,have created as an original ? However they did invent themselves a vicious,tribe(s), under a “God”,called Yahweh,,whether real,spirit,alien ,or myth,has done nothing but cause mayhem,upon the earth,until His goal of total rule is complete. Want to see the Jews “contribution? Go to war cemeteries. Visit a VA hospital. Turn on,Jew run trash media. Go to an insane Jew worship Church. Look at your high interest psyments. Tour deindustrialized cities. Think of Hiroshima,and Nagasaki.

  5. He does not represents Jewish values better than Netanyahu. He represents ANOTHER SET of Jewish values. Where Netanyahu wears his supremacism, racism and hate on his sleeve and struts arrogantly, Obama dissimulates, deceives and prances around in peace-seeking drag.

  6. Why does no-one represent Christian values? Without the Christians the jews would be back in the stone age. The cannot build anything, they have an aversion to work. Always whining and begging for money. Rabbis that sexually abuse children run off to Israel where they know they will be safe bcs they take their money with them. I never believed that the Devil has his deviants running around on this earth…. until I met a jew.

  7. @forgetfulknot:
    “Without the Christians the jews would be back in the stone age.”
    Yes, but …
    you can take the jews out of the stone age but you cannot take the stone age out of them: it is deeply embedded in judaism

  8. @Bill Burroughs could have not said better.

    To the rest
    What a surprise that Obama the elected shill puppet of the Jews claims to know more :
    In Chicago they made him what he was and in law school


    Jew wall street investment bank ceos helped him get elected back twice



    Lets see his staff and media who helped

    Keeping up jewish neconons wars check

  9. To the Jewish Worshipping church in America:

    GOD’S HERITAGE – 1 Peter 5:3

    “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.”

    Notice this verse shows us ‘lords’ that is not capitalized. So, this is telling us of
    those who are giving instructions on the bible but are placing themselves on a
    higher level to those they are instructing. This is important in that many now
    have learned degrees showing they are qualified to be teachers over others.
    Another thing to notice is they are putting themselves as keepers of God’s
    heritage. They are teaching you a wrong heritage.

    Psalms 94:5; “They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine
    heritage.” They have caused God’s heritage to become an abomination
    (Jeremiah 2:7/12:7,8,9/17:4). God’s people have been placed in a ‘land’ that is
    unknown to them for this ‘land’ is NOT spiritual Israel (Psalms
    135:12/136:21,22/Joel 3:2). They tell them this heritage is Israel in the middle east and have taken away the spiritual construct Christ died for at the cross and gave them a physical construct.

    What happens to those who teach wrong doctrines? Jeremiah 17:4 (Jeremiah
    50:11); “And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I
    gave thee: and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou
    knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for
    ever.” FOREVER….PEOPLE!!

    WHAT THEN IS THIS HERITAGE, and why has God’s people given this away as
    Esau? Exodus 6:8; “And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I
    did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for
    an heritage: I am the LORD.” Remember, when it got to Jacob the name
    changed to Israel and you are the heir of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob if you are in
    Christ (John 8:33,37,39/Galatians 3:29). You are the heir by spirit now not heir
    by blood anymore. You are the Israel of God (Galatians 6:16).

    Exodus 5:4 tells us that Pharaoh, who ruled over God’s people, told them to
    continue on with the burdens he gave them. Christ took away those burdens
    (Matthew 11:30) and broke those burdens off of God’s people (Nahum 1:13).

    The church today is ruled by people who have ruined this heritage.


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