
0 thoughts on “Obama’s negotiations with Iran aimed at preventing Netanyahu from destroying entire world”
  1. SSeriously,I pray that you are correct but I just can’t believe that.My suspicians are that this “fift” with Netanyahu is just theater.

  2. @ George. Yes maybe it’s ‘good cop’ / ‘bad cop’.

    Obama comes in and says that if they (Iran) does not deal then, they (Obama) will have to somehow fend off Natenyahu from attacking Iran.

    Either way, the objective is to bring Iran into submission…as you know already.

    Obama will gnaw on Iran from the inside while Benny and the neo cons want bombardment. Either way Iran would get Jewed.

    I don’t understand why Iran has jumped on board with BRICS.

  3. On a side note; maybe China has a bit to do with Obama’s approach to Iran. China & Iran are strategic partners and China does have some big strings that they could pull on when it comes to being a recipient of the US being in debt. China is owed a lot. Could China sink the US economy? Perhaps.

    And perhaps it is this very subject that Netty can’t seem to grasp. After all, it is Jew Banks in the web of the IMF / World Bank.

    The SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization ) is getting more and more clout with each passing month; China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan gave the green light for India, Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia for membership in the SCO.

    What the US ( Jew run ) has done is basically ‘turn off’ much of the World. They achieved this by their continues use of hypocrisy, might is right . we are the policeman / saviors of the World. The time has come where people are seeing thru this glossy veneer. One result is that sanctions are not working like they used to. In the past when the US and allies spoke and their sanctions were rubber stamped, most countries jumped on board. But today it’s different. There are outs to sanctions because now many countries don’t go along with what the US demands. Sanctions are being snubbed and the US knows it.

    BRICS & the SCO have a very major component to them, and that’s the changing human psychology, and much of that human psychology on this planet has changed to become less eager to run to wars and conflicts.


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