The other day I stepped on a land mine. I posted an article by John Kaminski. I admit it was laziness on my part to rush to post an article without at least doing my homework on the author. I had read a couple of articles of unredeemed gloom by him in the past that made him sound a bit unhinged. I did not know he was THAT unhinged. I did not know he had attacked Mark personally, and the quotes provided by commenters indict him without appeal as an Islmaophobe. Yet he was OK in March, it seems. Mea culpa.
What he had to say about 9/11 — with which I agree completely — that “solving” it, i.e., revealing the truth about it, is of unparalleled importance for waking up America, is not a novel idea and it could have been emphasized with a post from a source that is not a poisoned well. Mea culpa.
Nevertheless, in general, and I emphasize, in general, NOT in this case, there is nothing wrong with cherry picking. By that I mean that there are quite a few writers with whose views we do not agree in toto who are nevertheless worth reading.
One such example is Paul Craig Roberts. He seems afraid to write the words “Jewry” or “Jewish power elite,” he only uses the code word “neocons” even though it is technically incorrect: democrats like Shumer or Sanders do not belong to that side of the choir but they sing from the same hymn book. Nevertheless PCR’s analyses are usually sterling. Another example is Pat Buchanan, with whose views in general many disagree. He was, however, the first notable politician/pundit to say on television that “The US Congress is Israeli occupied territory.” As the saying goes, you can’t take that away from him. I think the worst one can say about the two men cited above is that they may be honestly wrong about some things, but they don’t carry water for the hostile foreign elite. I don’t think we can say the same about Trump, who seems to have caught the fancy of millions and even of some of my best friends.
To me Trump is a self-experiment in judaization, the kosher Goy Joker in the pack. He embodies the Goy imitation of Jewishness: arrogance, narcissism, ostentatiousness, vulgar materialism, the façade of the self-made man (which he is not), impersonating the ‘real McCohn’ who deeply admires and emulates his “betters– the Jews. He is a self-promoted brand who made his fortune selling his name when his real estate fortune crumbled, famous for being famously outrageous, a Kardashian of NYC and now of American political life.
I think it is a comedy of errors that he tried to seduce a crowd of rich and influential Jews by telling them he is just like them: all about schmoozing, making “deals” and not trusting what you can’t own (including politicians) and offering them the best deal ever if they support him: free devotion. It may have struck some of them as naively uppity: no kidding, offering free tricks to the pimp who owns you?
He assured them Israel has no better friend than he, he mentioned his close friendship with Netanyahu and how he, oh, can’t even see his daughter on Saturdays anymore since she converted to Judaism.
When asked his view about Jerusalem he pretended to demur coyly. The message intended was “I am such a good deal maker I won’t even tell you, what I think about it. Wink, wink. Imagine what circles I’d dance around your dumb enemies.” That last bit was too much for his audience. Jewish Jerusalem is an axiom, what’s the Goy prattling about? He also said the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in the hands of the Israelis who may have to make some “painful concessions.” His audience were Republican Jews. Such a statement might have been favorably received by the other side of the Jewish choir, the “progressive” Democrat Jews who think Palestine is Jewish land but some “painful concessions” might appease the “Ayrabs.” He got confused.
Nevertheless, the whining complaints about his “stereotypical” image of Jews (all about money, etc) did not come from anyone important. The ADL was OK with him, as was his good friend Adelson and not a whisper was heard from Netanyahu. The whiners were the many little Judaic proofreaders who patrol the media, faithful guard dogs against politically incorrect forms of expression. Oy the tropes, the tropes, that make us seem like Shylocks!
At a deeper level, not only are the Jews reassured by Trump’s thorough judaization but they are also convinced he will not be elected President of USrael no matter what his poll numbers show. He is the Goy Joker in the pack. His populist slogans, anti-immigration and Islamophobic rants, and his fake patriotism allow the masses to vent a bit. That’s all.
Wait until spring, Bandini … The Democrat debate in Maimi Dade College… Bernie Sanders is coming softy but steadily from behind on cat’s feet.
When it comes to cherry picking I happen to think Trump is a poisoned well.
24 thoughts on “On Poisoned Wells, Cherry Picking and … Trump”
I’ve never thought it through as I detest Trump(don’t take this as an endorsement for ANY of the others) but I think you nailed it.
You are not completely correct about Paul Craig Roberts.
In his newest book,
“The Neoconservative Threat To World Order
Washington’s Perilous War For Hegemony”,
a book which has articles from Feb 2014 to July 2015
by him in chronological order, you will find a VERY DAMNING
article about the US and Israel. The article is titled,
“Why War Is Inevitable”, dated May 25, 2014.
I gave my girlfriend the same details of the article and she
found it immediately online and loved it so much she printed it.
Everyone reading this should find this article and read it. It is the
longest article so far in this book(pages 91-98).
He pulls no punches in this article and clearly names what and
who are responsible for our current state and goes into some
useful detail for the readers sake.
I am only up to page 102 (Are You Ready For Nuclear War?),
but Dr Roberts, at least from this article, has no fear in calling a
spade a spade and a snake a snake.
I would recommend everyone seek this article with the information
I have provided you and to also get get the book with an insiders
references to the deadly path they have put us on.
The Democrat Party was the original Jew Party.
The Neo ( Neo ), Conservatives come from the war Democrats ,who tactically moved over and took ,” the Right “.
This is the Jews Left/Right Matrix.
Only by breaking these false or unworthy constructs …both of a Judaic tool can we have liberation.
Ideology is unnatural constructs and vehicles of power. Just a as organization religion is.
Jews an unnatural people at war with the cycle of mankind push these to systems to corral and confuse.
Only looking for ” truth,” and the natural can the Gentile gain freedom.
John Kaminsky is well -John Kaminsky to me he is like an American “John the Baptist ” telling it in words of dire warning . What he has is, like me in a way , a fiery spirit , a great desire to save not just America but the world . Many may find his words unacceptable but that is the way of John he wakes up people to the immediate danger and gets them talking that to me is a great thing you dont always have to agree with someone in every point to agree with the general line of their outpourings . We are all different personalities some more strident than others while some can put it more eloquently John gets straight down to “brass tacks ” you need people like John because you are up against a very good Zionist/Jewish propaganda machine that is both subtle and “warlike ” in its demeanor. Like some others in the anti-Jewish community John is at the “fiery brand ” end of our organization people should accept that while they like a more subtle deep intelligent thinking put to them to sway them John and others like him burn a path of fire throughout the world . Yes some get burned and dont like it but lok who we are up against an enemy who takes no prisoners -who murders/rapes/ tortures /etc to their hearts content backed up by the US government and Congress all paid employees of Israel . So he and people like Yukon even if you dont agree with him (and I still believe in God or if you like a “Higher Being ” ) I understand where they are coming from ,we need people to stir us up and get us talking not everybody is converted by intellectual/philosophical conversation but just look at churches/Muslim prayer meetings who gets the biggest audience why the “Fiery speakers ” of course it gets the audiences Spirit worked up and helps gather them in ONE Spirit to a cause this works ,the Jews know this and fight against it.
ed note–Much of what you say is true Duncan, but we also need to remember that these men, the ‘Kaminski-types’, bill themselves as ‘doctors’ of a sort offering a cure for society’s ills. However, what happens when they come up with a whopper of a diagnosis that winds up helping the sickness instead of curing it? I don’t expect people to be perfect because no one can be, but I do have a litmus test for people in determining whether or not they truly understand the nature and gravity of the circumstances we are all facing now, and therefore when someone comes along promising a cure for the malady of Judaic influence but then feeds that malady by propagating the very same poison (anti-Islamic hysteria) as Kaminski does, they cease being a cure and instead become part of the cause.
For me, I don’t need to read anything Kaminski says in determining that he is not ‘of perfectly sound mind’, to borrow a legal term. For him to come up with the whopper that yours truly is a member of the Phalangists of Lebanon, he might as well be walking down some busy street in some major city in America having schizophrenic fits.
“This is the Jews Left/Right Matrix”
This cannot be repeated too often or emphasized enough until it seeps into the consciousness of those still mesmerized by the circus of false choices, until they understand that the hell offered by Jewish power has two entry portals: one on the “Left” and the other on the “Right.”
I have not read his book. I am only going by the fact that even when he names the culprits by name and their names alone point to their commonality he calls them “neocons.”
PCR is not Jewish but in general the business of suspecting “Jewish blood” in a Shabbat Goy is a waste of time and a distraction. What do you say about the Shabbat Goyim who have no Jewish ancestors at all?
No worries Ariad, we all at times put our feet in places where we wish we hadn’t. Just scrape it off and move on. Besides, now with the advent of the internet and the FLOOD of info that is dumped into the marketplace of discussion on a minute by minute basis, it is easier than not to grab something and put it ‘out there’ without knowing its full contents.
I’ve praised him for what I see as his honesty but of course I could be wrong. I remember my mom always thought he was a big mouth, many years ago already.
I see one problem with what I otherwise view as his courage and honesty. I just watched another speech and he said we have to close off immigration to Muslims because they are a threat and then he said we have to figure out what is wrong and why they are attacking us. He repeated this several times. I view him as intelligent and forthright and honest, but if that is the case then why did he say this (and repeat it several times). The Muslims (and Christian Arabs) that “hate” Americans do so because the USA has been mass murdering them for decades, attacking and threatening one country after another there. Even before the first war against Iraq in 1991, the US had been giving Israel financial and military aid for decades already. Indeed, the US stepped in with help in 1973 when Israel was about to be beaten in that war.
The first thing Saddam Hussein did when the US attacked Iraq in 1991 was launch missiles against Israel. He knew who was behind the attack on his country. In Walt and Mearsheimers’s “The Lobby” they wrote in depth how Jews dominate US foreign policy and if not for the USA’s policy towards Arabs, terrorism would be a small problem.
So, I’ll admit there is a problem with stating that Trump is courageous and says what he thinks. He knows the problem is US foreign policy but won’t say it. Maybe because it would put a dent in his tough guy image.
Consider the logic of our situation.
We are ruled by criminals. What matters more: the crimes or the ethnicity of the criminals?
I think it is wiser to focus on the crime, and the dire need to call all criminals to account regardless of their ethnicity.
If a criminal happens, e.g., to be Jewish, does it make any sense to emphasize his being a Jew? I think not. The focus must be on the crime. Otherwise we would be dancing to the anti-semitic tune, and frankly that’s pretty foolish.
Let Jews who defend Jewish criminals because they are Jews be seen to be doing exactly that. We make it too easy for them.
Didnt know he said that to you MG considering what they did in Lebanon with Jewish approval not very nice at all . Did you not reply to him, even if you think it might be worthless ? If anybody slanders me whoever they are I make sure they know what they are saying is wrong. I might be eccentric in some ways and a “one off ” but I got checked when I worked for a hospital and funnily enough classed as sane ,even I was surprised !
“Neither the US nor Israel is embarrassed by their worldwide
reputations as the two countries that pose the greatest threat. In fact, both
countries are proud are proud to be recognized as the greatest threats.
The foreign policy of both countries is devoid of any diplomacy. US and
Israeli foreign policy rest on violence alone.
Washington tells countries to do as Washington says or be
“bombed into the stone age.” Israel declares all Palestinians, even women
and children, to be “terrorist,” and proceeds to shoot them down in the
streets, claiming that Israel is merely protecting itself against terrorist.
Israel, which does not recognize the existence of Palestine as a country,
covers up its crimes with the claim that Palestinians do not except the
existence of Israel.”
From, “Why War Is Inevitable”
Paul Craig Roberts, May 25, 2014
Friend, you can find the full article itself online without buying
the book.
Thanks for the great work you do here ariad.
I have been very disillusioned reading the breitbarts of the world, and then these type pages (which i’ll call the veterans today pages). Does anyone get it? This idea that either arab/muslims are great/perfect or are terrible, then the jews are either great/ perfect or terrible is off. Every culture/ race has great and terrible people. Many times the terrible people of one race/culture work with the terrible people of another race/culture.
I think, in general, people have a complete lack of understanding of history. Jews clearly have been pitting everyone against eachother for thousands of years, clearly to their advantage. The crusades were clearly encouraged by someone who had knowledge of the middle east. The moors (arabs/muslims) clearly were encouraged to invade Europe and did for hundreds of years. Does the facts that both europeans and arabs were encouraged to do these acts make them less responsible for doing them. Does the reality that each group is responsible for their own actions absolve jews from their responsibility in institgation. Lots of scapegoating occurs, and no one wants to accept that responsibilty is all inclusive, albeit layered or tiered.
Fast forward to the bolshevik revolution. Now we all understand that jews were behind the bolsheviks. However, in light of things that happened in chechnya and now with russia and isis, and furthermore, russia’s historic problems with turk states (crimean wars etc.), was it truly just a problem with jews? I contend that jews have been using muslim/arab shock troops for centuries against christian nations, and vice versa. I believe many in the initial red army were likely chechen like muslims, hence a sharia like feudal nation, the soviet union formed, christians were genocided. Fast forward to now, everyone gets obsessed with these ideas that “we made isis” or “jews made isis.” While on some levels this is clearly true, does this mean that arabs and muslims feuling hatred in their heart and joining the isis terror machine, haven’t rejected christ? These people are worse than blackwater peeps, whom i’m sure you all happily hate, paid mercenaries.
Since a soviet style revolution hasn’t been possible here, everything has been done in peacemeal, since the federal reserve founding. 9/11 was a big chunk of this peacemeal, and it clearly involved both arabs and jews, not one or the other. Well, they haven’t killed the usa, although very weakened, much the same as russia was prior to the bolshevik revolution. Have we been getting primed for a bolshevik red terror in the usa, once guns have been siezed, by an imported invasion force of barabrians (much like the fall of rome) from arabia and central america (what if black and hispanic gangs were unleashed with it). Is trump derailing this plan before it can be established? In present circumstances, he is dealing with the symptom rather than the cause, b/c the cause is still too powerful to take head on?
Whats that “the guy ” the sound of clapping I can hear ?? where is it coming from and what is it saying ? Ah yes I can hear it now its Jewish voices from Tel Aviv shouting good guy you are doing well keep it up ,use more of your Mossad training ,get those “evil ” TUT posters diverted from the Truth its not Jews its the “Criminals ” they are the new buzz word like we invented “collateral damage ” IE- blowing up /shooting dead INNOCENT civilians but it sounds better doesnt it ? the guy of the Jerusalem Post maybe or how about guy of the Fox “”news “” .Its a fairly good try but JEW = death -destruction – making US Citizens work for slave wages -cut the Vets medical Welfare to pay Israel – Jews first citizens of America -non -jews watch out hollow-points waiting for you if you dont do as the Jewish Congress says and Jewish US government -aka- Knesset – foreign policy ? Israel first -second and third internal policy the same . Whats that ?? the sound of the Jewish male dance -arm in arm -how great it is to be Jewish !! (not ! )
Hi guy of Tel Aviv shooting straight in the IDF I presume , kill two for the price of one eh ? No its not the Jews -its—- “criminals “” do you expect TUT posters to do as you say and abandon their long held convictions to say as per the Jerusalem Post /Fox News – iT wasnt us it was the Arabs/Muslims etc . Who owns the US -Jews who gives trillions to Israel while cutting back Vets Medical Welfare to a year or so to pay to Israel . Who are prepared to die in WW3 for Israel -NOT the Jews but Americans in their 10,s of millions a slow painful death while Israel sits back laughing its head off. Dont blame the Jews now if NUtteryahu achieved that on TUT,s website just think of the singing and dancing in Israel by the pedophiles and rapists all dancing that Jewish male dance together it wasnt us it was those dam Moooozlems aye sure guy of Israel.
Duncan lucas, you’re un hinged. I dont think you even read what i wrote.
Guys, guys, you can’t fight in here. This is the War Room. And “unhinged” is one word.
Look “the guy ” dont you realise you are trying to divert attention away from the main object of TUT fighting the Jews you have got it into your head –its the Moozlems and that they gathered together to make ISIS . Nothing could be further from the Truth the US government even admitted they set up supplied logistics ,used the CIA and US Special Forces to supply millions of $$$$ to ISIS just to do as Israel says as they want a “Greater Israel ” even ex US majors/Generals /Professors all agree . They are still inputting millions of tax $$$$ into ISIS to make sure Israel has no opposition anywhere round about and at the same time remove any Russian influence and continue to surround Russia with missiles . Its 2 aims for the price of one . Those Muslims fighting for Israel and the US /Turkey know full well they are breaking their own religious vows to Islam read the Koran they are traitors to their own religion no matter what they shout about and are a minority in their race . I will ask you a question why dont you rise up against the oppression by Jews in the US ? -because like many US citizens have said -you will be shot dead with hollow points your own military now authorized to shoot US civilians . In the early 70,s US citizens rose up in their millions against Vietnam and paraded along Washington try that now and it would be a blood bath on the streets where,s democracy now ? killed by Jewish control . The Jews want the World to suck it dry they have already done that to the US and countries they control now they need Russia,s resources so its Nuke War . You say I am “unhinged ” your own government and Congress are totally insane and thats not just me that says that but 1000,s of US intellectuals . They arent up against the school kid now Russia can match nuke for nuke and I have to say the ONLY people that can stop this “end of the World” scenario is the US CITIZEN .
There is a new world order agenda in place and both US political parties are covered in dirt in this. To set the tone, none of these can hammer home guilt over Benghazi because all their hands are unclean… all of them. There is a Sharia banking resistance to the IMF/CFR banking cabal. In Islam usury is unlawful and usury is the single biggest weapon to enslave the world. Here is the evidence of this claim…
Originally published in March 2007:
“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –
General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .
Complete Transcript of Program. Democracy Now……………………………………. Iran is the ultimate target of this banking cabal, but the other nations are critical steps that have to be taken. Libya was a fabulous 1st world nation smashed back into 3rd world status by the banking cabal’s US/NATO armies. Libya had modern weapons that were needed to continue this assault on these debt free banking nations. Along came the CIA and their agent Stevens to run these weapons to the ISISrael, or whatever you want to call them, groups. There were some disgruntled Libyan loyalists that were seeking revenge, and exacted it against the CIA gun runner Stevens and a few other CIA assets. He wasn’t killed at any sort of US Embassy, it was at a CIA ops/safe house. These weapons that were stolen from Libya went straight to Turkey to be used by ISISrael against Syria. I’m sure these have been used up a year ago and now these ISISrael “rebels” are now being supplied with US made ones. To hear the “Congress” posturing about the guilt over Benghazi is funny because NONE of these politicos can afford the truth to come out as they are ALL dirty. Hillary(in all her disgusting filth) actually nailed when she said what difference does it make. Benghazi isn’t a story in itself, it is just a spot in time in a NWO agenda that has been going on for decades. Another agenda that was being pursued is the Greater Israel Project that was going to annex all the land from the Euphrates to the Nile encompassing great portions of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon. All in all increasing the size of Israel 40 times. Of course Israel doesn’t want the lands populated, so to end the Sharia banking systems and to expel all the peoples of those lands work together. This NWO project was working going like a freight train…. and then along came Russia.
Lol at explaining the geopolitical scenario to me. And lol at liberals who constantly point out typos.
You are aware that jews make countries either ruin their own countries or ruin the middle east right? Liberals ruin our country, conservatives have typically ruined others(at least since the 60’s). Well both parties turned to communistic imperialism and have hijacked our country. Donald trump is attempting to sieze back the conservative party platform of barry goldwater, before both of our political parties were hijacked by communism and our society hijacked by cultural marxism(frankfurt style). Trump is flanked by certain jews (yes). America hates communism! Freeloaders making others their slaves is usury, no different from “jew banking.” Mexicans and various other immigrants are coming here, living off our hard work and failing to assimilate to our culture. That’s called slavery, and it’s talmudic in nature.
Ps. “Unhinged” is one word. I know you are but what am i type fgts.
#18 duncanlucas: I have come to the same conclusion as you: “the ONLY people that can stop this “end of the World” scenario is the US CITIZEN”.
My only two postings so far, as a contributing editor, were directed at US citizens of different ethnicities, asking whether they were amenable to working together in an organized way for the common good of all US citizens.
There were some sympathetic responses; sympathetic to me as a naive fool, I suspect, for asking such foolish naive questions. But there were no responses from members of particular US ethnic divisions, willing to speak as a member of the division they belong to. And I use the word “division” deliberately; boy oh boy, the divisions within the US population are deep!
The major divisions are also internally divided, and those divisions are also deep. Always there is the division between a wealthy minority and a series of progressively poorer layers below the top.
Let’s take one of the major divisions as an example – Latin Americans. There are Latin Americans of European ancestry, and of aboriginal ancestry, and of mixed European-aboriginal ancestry, and of mixed European ancestry, and of mixed aboriginal ancestry. Note: I’m using the word “aboriginal” without an upper-case “A” out of respect to aboriginal Americans whose original nations would have been tribes. Also, Latin Americans may have come from different countries within Central and South America.
The other major divisions of US society are similarly complicated.
Each division of US society is most likely a separate “trail of tears”.
I’m not pushing the unity barrow in this comment; just the complexity barrow.
A further complicating factor is the “crypto” problem – Jews left behind in countries where Jews have been expelled. How can it be known whether Muslims or Christians “fighting for Israel” are crypto-Jews or allied with wealth-and-privilege or class?
All modern nations are divided – and effectively conquered and ruled by alien interests.
The most deeply divided of all nations seems to be the USA.
That is the reality we face, isn’t it?
Go Scotland! Show the rest of the world, how national unity can be done.
Alan I admire your honesty it takes a big man to criticize his own country and your right . In the 50,s my wife lived with her parents in Santa Monica CA. they owned liqueur store she told me exactly as you say one “type ” of American criticizing another “type” it is so deeply ingrained I wonder if the Jews havent instigated this on the lines of –divide and conquer -fight with each other rather than fight against the real enemy the Jews. It may surprise you but in Scotland even the Muslims vote for the SNP I dont know a single Jew who does.
I’ve never thought it through as I detest Trump(don’t take this as an endorsement for ANY of the others) but I think you nailed it.
You are not completely correct about Paul Craig Roberts.
In his newest book,
“The Neoconservative Threat To World Order
Washington’s Perilous War For Hegemony”,
a book which has articles from Feb 2014 to July 2015
by him in chronological order, you will find a VERY DAMNING
article about the US and Israel. The article is titled,
“Why War Is Inevitable”, dated May 25, 2014.
I gave my girlfriend the same details of the article and she
found it immediately online and loved it so much she printed it.
Everyone reading this should find this article and read it. It is the
longest article so far in this book(pages 91-98).
He pulls no punches in this article and clearly names what and
who are responsible for our current state and goes into some
useful detail for the readers sake.
I am only up to page 102 (Are You Ready For Nuclear War?),
but Dr Roberts, at least from this article, has no fear in calling a
spade a spade and a snake a snake.
I would recommend everyone seek this article with the information
I have provided you and to also get get the book with an insiders
references to the deadly path they have put us on.
The Democrat Party was the original Jew Party.
The Neo ( Neo ), Conservatives come from the war Democrats ,who tactically moved over and took ,” the Right “.
This is the Jews Left/Right Matrix.
Only by breaking these false or unworthy constructs …both of a Judaic tool can we have liberation.
Ideology is unnatural constructs and vehicles of power. Just a as organization religion is.
Jews an unnatural people at war with the cycle of mankind push these to systems to corral and confuse.
Only looking for ” truth,” and the natural can the Gentile gain freedom.
John Kaminsky is well -John Kaminsky to me he is like an American “John the Baptist ” telling it in words of dire warning . What he has is, like me in a way , a fiery spirit , a great desire to save not just America but the world . Many may find his words unacceptable but that is the way of John he wakes up people to the immediate danger and gets them talking that to me is a great thing you dont always have to agree with someone in every point to agree with the general line of their outpourings . We are all different personalities some more strident than others while some can put it more eloquently John gets straight down to “brass tacks ” you need people like John because you are up against a very good Zionist/Jewish propaganda machine that is both subtle and “warlike ” in its demeanor. Like some others in the anti-Jewish community John is at the “fiery brand ” end of our organization people should accept that while they like a more subtle deep intelligent thinking put to them to sway them John and others like him burn a path of fire throughout the world . Yes some get burned and dont like it but lok who we are up against an enemy who takes no prisoners -who murders/rapes/ tortures /etc to their hearts content backed up by the US government and Congress all paid employees of Israel . So he and people like Yukon even if you dont agree with him (and I still believe in God or if you like a “Higher Being ” ) I understand where they are coming from ,we need people to stir us up and get us talking not everybody is converted by intellectual/philosophical conversation but just look at churches/Muslim prayer meetings who gets the biggest audience why the “Fiery speakers ” of course it gets the audiences Spirit worked up and helps gather them in ONE Spirit to a cause this works ,the Jews know this and fight against it.
ed note–Much of what you say is true Duncan, but we also need to remember that these men, the ‘Kaminski-types’, bill themselves as ‘doctors’ of a sort offering a cure for society’s ills. However, what happens when they come up with a whopper of a diagnosis that winds up helping the sickness instead of curing it? I don’t expect people to be perfect because no one can be, but I do have a litmus test for people in determining whether or not they truly understand the nature and gravity of the circumstances we are all facing now, and therefore when someone comes along promising a cure for the malady of Judaic influence but then feeds that malady by propagating the very same poison (anti-Islamic hysteria) as Kaminski does, they cease being a cure and instead become part of the cause.
For me, I don’t need to read anything Kaminski says in determining that he is not ‘of perfectly sound mind’, to borrow a legal term. For him to come up with the whopper that yours truly is a member of the Phalangists of Lebanon, he might as well be walking down some busy street in some major city in America having schizophrenic fits.
“This is the Jews Left/Right Matrix”
This cannot be repeated too often or emphasized enough until it seeps into the consciousness of those still mesmerized by the circus of false choices, until they understand that the hell offered by Jewish power has two entry portals: one on the “Left” and the other on the “Right.”
I have not read his book. I am only going by the fact that even when he names the culprits by name and their names alone point to their commonality he calls them “neocons.”
PCR is not Jewish but in general the business of suspecting “Jewish blood” in a Shabbat Goy is a waste of time and a distraction. What do you say about the Shabbat Goyim who have no Jewish ancestors at all?
No worries Ariad, we all at times put our feet in places where we wish we hadn’t. Just scrape it off and move on. Besides, now with the advent of the internet and the FLOOD of info that is dumped into the marketplace of discussion on a minute by minute basis, it is easier than not to grab something and put it ‘out there’ without knowing its full contents.
I’ve praised him for what I see as his honesty but of course I could be wrong. I remember my mom always thought he was a big mouth, many years ago already.
I see one problem with what I otherwise view as his courage and honesty. I just watched another speech and he said we have to close off immigration to Muslims because they are a threat and then he said we have to figure out what is wrong and why they are attacking us. He repeated this several times. I view him as intelligent and forthright and honest, but if that is the case then why did he say this (and repeat it several times). The Muslims (and Christian Arabs) that “hate” Americans do so because the USA has been mass murdering them for decades, attacking and threatening one country after another there. Even before the first war against Iraq in 1991, the US had been giving Israel financial and military aid for decades already. Indeed, the US stepped in with help in 1973 when Israel was about to be beaten in that war.
The first thing Saddam Hussein did when the US attacked Iraq in 1991 was launch missiles against Israel. He knew who was behind the attack on his country. In Walt and Mearsheimers’s “The Lobby” they wrote in depth how Jews dominate US foreign policy and if not for the USA’s policy towards Arabs, terrorism would be a small problem.
So, I’ll admit there is a problem with stating that Trump is courageous and says what he thinks. He knows the problem is US foreign policy but won’t say it. Maybe because it would put a dent in his tough guy image.
Consider the logic of our situation.
We are ruled by criminals. What matters more: the crimes or the ethnicity of the criminals?
I think it is wiser to focus on the crime, and the dire need to call all criminals to account regardless of their ethnicity.
If a criminal happens, e.g., to be Jewish, does it make any sense to emphasize his being a Jew? I think not. The focus must be on the crime. Otherwise we would be dancing to the anti-semitic tune, and frankly that’s pretty foolish.
Let Jews who defend Jewish criminals because they are Jews be seen to be doing exactly that. We make it too easy for them.
Didnt know he said that to you MG considering what they did in Lebanon with Jewish approval not very nice at all . Did you not reply to him, even if you think it might be worthless ? If anybody slanders me whoever they are I make sure they know what they are saying is wrong. I might be eccentric in some ways and a “one off ” but I got checked when I worked for a hospital and funnily enough classed as sane ,even I was surprised !
“Neither the US nor Israel is embarrassed by their worldwide
reputations as the two countries that pose the greatest threat. In fact, both
countries are proud are proud to be recognized as the greatest threats.
The foreign policy of both countries is devoid of any diplomacy. US and
Israeli foreign policy rest on violence alone.
Washington tells countries to do as Washington says or be
“bombed into the stone age.” Israel declares all Palestinians, even women
and children, to be “terrorist,” and proceeds to shoot them down in the
streets, claiming that Israel is merely protecting itself against terrorist.
Israel, which does not recognize the existence of Palestine as a country,
covers up its crimes with the claim that Palestinians do not except the
existence of Israel.”
From, “Why War Is Inevitable”
Paul Craig Roberts, May 25, 2014
Friend, you can find the full article itself online without buying
the book.
Thanks for the great work you do here ariad.
I have been very disillusioned reading the breitbarts of the world, and then these type pages (which i’ll call the veterans today pages). Does anyone get it? This idea that either arab/muslims are great/perfect or are terrible, then the jews are either great/ perfect or terrible is off. Every culture/ race has great and terrible people. Many times the terrible people of one race/culture work with the terrible people of another race/culture.
I think, in general, people have a complete lack of understanding of history. Jews clearly have been pitting everyone against eachother for thousands of years, clearly to their advantage. The crusades were clearly encouraged by someone who had knowledge of the middle east. The moors (arabs/muslims) clearly were encouraged to invade Europe and did for hundreds of years. Does the facts that both europeans and arabs were encouraged to do these acts make them less responsible for doing them. Does the reality that each group is responsible for their own actions absolve jews from their responsibility in institgation. Lots of scapegoating occurs, and no one wants to accept that responsibilty is all inclusive, albeit layered or tiered.
Fast forward to the bolshevik revolution. Now we all understand that jews were behind the bolsheviks. However, in light of things that happened in chechnya and now with russia and isis, and furthermore, russia’s historic problems with turk states (crimean wars etc.), was it truly just a problem with jews? I contend that jews have been using muslim/arab shock troops for centuries against christian nations, and vice versa. I believe many in the initial red army were likely chechen like muslims, hence a sharia like feudal nation, the soviet union formed, christians were genocided. Fast forward to now, everyone gets obsessed with these ideas that “we made isis” or “jews made isis.” While on some levels this is clearly true, does this mean that arabs and muslims feuling hatred in their heart and joining the isis terror machine, haven’t rejected christ? These people are worse than blackwater peeps, whom i’m sure you all happily hate, paid mercenaries.
Since a soviet style revolution hasn’t been possible here, everything has been done in peacemeal, since the federal reserve founding. 9/11 was a big chunk of this peacemeal, and it clearly involved both arabs and jews, not one or the other. Well, they haven’t killed the usa, although very weakened, much the same as russia was prior to the bolshevik revolution. Have we been getting primed for a bolshevik red terror in the usa, once guns have been siezed, by an imported invasion force of barabrians (much like the fall of rome) from arabia and central america (what if black and hispanic gangs were unleashed with it). Is trump derailing this plan before it can be established? In present circumstances, he is dealing with the symptom rather than the cause, b/c the cause is still too powerful to take head on?
Whats that “the guy ” the sound of clapping I can hear ?? where is it coming from and what is it saying ? Ah yes I can hear it now its Jewish voices from Tel Aviv shouting good guy you are doing well keep it up ,use more of your Mossad training ,get those “evil ” TUT posters diverted from the Truth its not Jews its the “Criminals ” they are the new buzz word like we invented “collateral damage ” IE- blowing up /shooting dead INNOCENT civilians but it sounds better doesnt it ? the guy of the Jerusalem Post maybe or how about guy of the Fox “”news “” .Its a fairly good try but JEW = death -destruction – making US Citizens work for slave wages -cut the Vets medical Welfare to pay Israel – Jews first citizens of America -non -jews watch out hollow-points waiting for you if you dont do as the Jewish Congress says and Jewish US government -aka- Knesset – foreign policy ? Israel first -second and third internal policy the same . Whats that ?? the sound of the Jewish male dance -arm in arm -how great it is to be Jewish !! (not ! )
Hi guy of Tel Aviv shooting straight in the IDF I presume , kill two for the price of one eh ? No its not the Jews -its—- “criminals “” do you expect TUT posters to do as you say and abandon their long held convictions to say as per the Jerusalem Post /Fox News – iT wasnt us it was the Arabs/Muslims etc . Who owns the US -Jews who gives trillions to Israel while cutting back Vets Medical Welfare to a year or so to pay to Israel . Who are prepared to die in WW3 for Israel -NOT the Jews but Americans in their 10,s of millions a slow painful death while Israel sits back laughing its head off. Dont blame the Jews now if NUtteryahu achieved that on TUT,s website just think of the singing and dancing in Israel by the pedophiles and rapists all dancing that Jewish male dance together it wasnt us it was those dam Moooozlems aye sure guy of Israel.
Duncan lucas, you’re un hinged. I dont think you even read what i wrote.
Guys, guys, you can’t fight in here. This is the War Room. And “unhinged” is one word.
He trumps himself. Watch the video that I couldn’t capture:–abc-news-topstories.html
Look “the guy ” dont you realise you are trying to divert attention away from the main object of TUT fighting the Jews you have got it into your head –its the Moozlems and that they gathered together to make ISIS . Nothing could be further from the Truth the US government even admitted they set up supplied logistics ,used the CIA and US Special Forces to supply millions of $$$$ to ISIS just to do as Israel says as they want a “Greater Israel ” even ex US majors/Generals /Professors all agree . They are still inputting millions of tax $$$$ into ISIS to make sure Israel has no opposition anywhere round about and at the same time remove any Russian influence and continue to surround Russia with missiles . Its 2 aims for the price of one . Those Muslims fighting for Israel and the US /Turkey know full well they are breaking their own religious vows to Islam read the Koran they are traitors to their own religion no matter what they shout about and are a minority in their race . I will ask you a question why dont you rise up against the oppression by Jews in the US ? -because like many US citizens have said -you will be shot dead with hollow points your own military now authorized to shoot US civilians . In the early 70,s US citizens rose up in their millions against Vietnam and paraded along Washington try that now and it would be a blood bath on the streets where,s democracy now ? killed by Jewish control . The Jews want the World to suck it dry they have already done that to the US and countries they control now they need Russia,s resources so its Nuke War . You say I am “unhinged ” your own government and Congress are totally insane and thats not just me that says that but 1000,s of US intellectuals . They arent up against the school kid now Russia can match nuke for nuke and I have to say the ONLY people that can stop this “end of the World” scenario is the US CITIZEN .
There is a new world order agenda in place and both US political parties are covered in dirt in this. To set the tone, none of these can hammer home guilt over Benghazi because all their hands are unclean… all of them. There is a Sharia banking resistance to the IMF/CFR banking cabal. In Islam usury is unlawful and usury is the single biggest weapon to enslave the world. Here is the evidence of this claim…
Originally published in March 2007:
“We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –
General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .
Complete Transcript of Program. Democracy Now……………………………………. Iran is the ultimate target of this banking cabal, but the other nations are critical steps that have to be taken. Libya was a fabulous 1st world nation smashed back into 3rd world status by the banking cabal’s US/NATO armies. Libya had modern weapons that were needed to continue this assault on these debt free banking nations. Along came the CIA and their agent Stevens to run these weapons to the ISISrael, or whatever you want to call them, groups. There were some disgruntled Libyan loyalists that were seeking revenge, and exacted it against the CIA gun runner Stevens and a few other CIA assets. He wasn’t killed at any sort of US Embassy, it was at a CIA ops/safe house. These weapons that were stolen from Libya went straight to Turkey to be used by ISISrael against Syria. I’m sure these have been used up a year ago and now these ISISrael “rebels” are now being supplied with US made ones. To hear the “Congress” posturing about the guilt over Benghazi is funny because NONE of these politicos can afford the truth to come out as they are ALL dirty. Hillary(in all her disgusting filth) actually nailed when she said what difference does it make. Benghazi isn’t a story in itself, it is just a spot in time in a NWO agenda that has been going on for decades. Another agenda that was being pursued is the Greater Israel Project that was going to annex all the land from the Euphrates to the Nile encompassing great portions of Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon. All in all increasing the size of Israel 40 times. Of course Israel doesn’t want the lands populated, so to end the Sharia banking systems and to expel all the peoples of those lands work together. This NWO project was working going like a freight train…. and then along came Russia.
Lol at explaining the geopolitical scenario to me. And lol at liberals who constantly point out typos.
You are aware that jews make countries either ruin their own countries or ruin the middle east right? Liberals ruin our country, conservatives have typically ruined others(at least since the 60’s). Well both parties turned to communistic imperialism and have hijacked our country. Donald trump is attempting to sieze back the conservative party platform of barry goldwater, before both of our political parties were hijacked by communism and our society hijacked by cultural marxism(frankfurt style). Trump is flanked by certain jews (yes). America hates communism! Freeloaders making others their slaves is usury, no different from “jew banking.” Mexicans and various other immigrants are coming here, living off our hard work and failing to assimilate to our culture. That’s called slavery, and it’s talmudic in nature.
Ps. “Unhinged” is one word. I know you are but what am i type fgts.
#18 duncanlucas: I have come to the same conclusion as you: “the ONLY people that can stop this “end of the World” scenario is the US CITIZEN”.
My only two postings so far, as a contributing editor, were directed at US citizens of different ethnicities, asking whether they were amenable to working together in an organized way for the common good of all US citizens.
There were some sympathetic responses; sympathetic to me as a naive fool, I suspect, for asking such foolish naive questions. But there were no responses from members of particular US ethnic divisions, willing to speak as a member of the division they belong to. And I use the word “division” deliberately; boy oh boy, the divisions within the US population are deep!
The major divisions are also internally divided, and those divisions are also deep. Always there is the division between a wealthy minority and a series of progressively poorer layers below the top.
Let’s take one of the major divisions as an example – Latin Americans. There are Latin Americans of European ancestry, and of aboriginal ancestry, and of mixed European-aboriginal ancestry, and of mixed European ancestry, and of mixed aboriginal ancestry. Note: I’m using the word “aboriginal” without an upper-case “A” out of respect to aboriginal Americans whose original nations would have been tribes. Also, Latin Americans may have come from different countries within Central and South America.
The other major divisions of US society are similarly complicated.
Each division of US society is most likely a separate “trail of tears”.
I’m not pushing the unity barrow in this comment; just the complexity barrow.
A further complicating factor is the “crypto” problem – Jews left behind in countries where Jews have been expelled. How can it be known whether Muslims or Christians “fighting for Israel” are crypto-Jews or allied with wealth-and-privilege or class?
All modern nations are divided – and effectively conquered and ruled by alien interests.
The most deeply divided of all nations seems to be the USA.
That is the reality we face, isn’t it?
Go Scotland! Show the rest of the world, how national unity can be done.
Alan I admire your honesty it takes a big man to criticize his own country and your right . In the 50,s my wife lived with her parents in Santa Monica CA. they owned liqueur store she told me exactly as you say one “type ” of American criticizing another “type” it is so deeply ingrained I wonder if the Jews havent instigated this on the lines of –divide and conquer -fight with each other rather than fight against the real enemy the Jews. It may surprise you but in Scotland even the Muslims vote for the SNP I dont know a single Jew who does.