

Decency and morality are losing ground in the whole world.

The West is atoning uninterruptedly, infected by the idea that evil can only come from its ranks, while the rest of the world is motivated by sympathy, kindness and purity.

Human life doesn’t mean much today, as it is under attack by Islam as well as by a corrosive nihilism.

The President of the United States of America,Barack Obama, should have his Nobel peace prize revoked for not stopping the Iranian nuclear program, starting a middle east nuclear race which will end in a cataclysmic tragedy.

Europe stopped fighting a long time ago. Its highest moral voice, Pope Francis, is not even able to mention the word “Islam” despite thousands of Christians hunted down everywhere, from Pakistan to Kenya, while Francis’ predecessors, Pope John Paul and Pope Benedict, were giants who fought against Communism and relativism.

Writers and intellectuals are mute, as if they have lost the ability to say the truth.

There is only one nation on earth fighting evil and giving a meaning to the word “civilization” – not good manners, but a hierarchy of values. That nation is the Jewish state of Israel. This is one of the last bastions of humanity.

You see not only by Israel’s willingness to fight just wars against people who bring only destruction and pain in this world. You see it in Israel through the intensity of people’s devotion to a higher meaning. Only Israel today offers some hope for mankind, something that can enable us to maintain faith in human values under an unprecedented moral collapse.

I was born in an agnostic Catholic family with a deep empathy for the Jewish people. For me Judaism, with its ethical monotheism, has always been the force of good and light in a hostile and dark world. I also always knew that the Jewish condition is the focal point of an enormous battle of identities and that the survival of the State of Israel is the single most defining issue of our time. Tiny Israel matters urgently to the Western world, because it has become its most imperiled member of our civilization.

I was born in the post-Auschwitz Europe, this cemetery of the Jewish people, and I always felt that the new anti-Semitism signals the risk of the avalanche, perhaps even the fall, of the whole of Western society. The Jews are not our marginal guests; the worst of all anti-Jewish persecutions, that of Hitler, almost marked the end of European history, culture and religion. We have the duty to make the world a safer place for the Jewish people.

The West holds, once again, the reins of authority and power concerning Israel’s existence and survival. It must act now to condemn the appeasement of Israel’s enemies and to recognize that Israel’s existence is the most important gift to the Gentile community of nations

0 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Israel is the Most Important Gift to the Community of Nations”
  1. This has to be one of the most pathetic and delusional screeds I have ever forced myself to read. I could refute every thing this so-called “Catholic” wrote but I am tired and don’t see the point of trying to refute a liar and hasbaRat. The gallows are what await lying scum like the “writer” of this IsraHeli propaganda piece.

    “May you and those like you rot in Hell in boiling excrement for all Eternity”.

  2. I had my Jew removed when I underwent a successful hemorrhoidectomy in 1953! Some years later the christian thingee disappears coincidentally with a colonoscopy!

  3. And so we will have to act out the samson option,because the rest of the world is crap. That is the jewish insane mindset.For me this article shows that they are beginning to justify their plan to destroy every other nation on the planet.
    The jewish state is the most dangerous state in the world and we can only hope that powerful people everywhere understand that and act- ASAP.

  4. Is the planet and everything on it going thru a metamorphosis like a butterfly in a cocoon?

    Everywhere one takes time to look and even do a bit of elementary research, things are changing. Extinction levels are at an all time high. Massive, simultaneous die offs of species like whales, fish, birds. Sea lions, starfish, and other oceanic life are starving, sick, and dying. Severe weather changes, waterways turning red, Sink holes are opening up, etc.

    SO many people are simply going bonkers and when these people hold high, powerful positions, they have the control to carry out devastating effects. It’s not just the people in government. It is everywhere in all classes and all ethnicities.

    I think the planet is going thru another of it’s cyclical changes and it’s going to be a very rocky ride.

  5. And then I woke up as Colin said is this a joke ?? Straight out the Jerusalem Post as long as this blood sucker of nations survives it will make us all slaves . A wee Middle East country that runs the US boy do they know how to control you !! The most evil 2 faced lying scheming devious grasping cruel torturous bunch of baby murderers on this planet . If Israel and its folowers disappeared from this earth it would be a World with less wars -deaths -starvation-greed -and a new peace would rule better than all the weasel words of those that offer appeasement to the Jews.

  6. Reblogged this on My Blog and commented:
    Israhell is a war criminal & Childs murderer, The United Nothing is Complice, The Arabs Cowards league , a bunch of israeli puppets.


    israhell and Lavron affair
    israhell and USS liberty
    israhell and JFK
    israhell and 9/11
    israhell ….
    … … …

  7. Life’s tough, but it’s really tough when your stupid.
    Jewish myths and fairy tales – then again I repeat myself.

  8. What a scumbag article! This guy could not be a catholic. Israel has him deep-throat-speared.

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