0 thoughts on “Over 215,000 people killed in Syria conflict: Group”
  1. i guess most people just look at that number (216.000) and yawn, as if these were flies dying.
    a neighbor of mine is an alawite (Bashar Assad’s sect) and he says that he doesn’t care if the whole of Syria dies; what matters to him is that Assad remains president.
    last time there were elections and Bashar won by 89 percent of the votes I told him that Assad had lost.
    why? he asked
    because he always won by 110 percent of the votes.
    we both laughed but then we just looked away and went into deep thought mode.
    the picture above reminds of a word used as a title to the picture of a Vietnam era soldier as he got shot ..

    ed note–let us NOT make the mistake of somehow assigning this terrible number of 216,000 Syrian deaths to Assad’s actions. Whatever he is or whatever he is PERCEIVED to be by his enemies–either at home or abroad–the fact is that his country has been invaded by a foreign, hostile force and it is his duty to do whatever he can to repel that force. He is not deliberately ‘killing his own people’ as the JMSM has alleged now for years. He is not deliberately and indiscriminately bombing homes, schools, churches, mosques, hospitals, etc, in order to satisfy some barbaric blood-lust he is alleged by his enemies to possess.

    How any Syrian–Alawite, Maronite, Melchite, Orthodox, Sunni, Shia, etc, could find it within themselves to come up with some sardonic political comment at this time is simply beyond me.

  2. So what exactly has Russia done to stop this destruction and killing? Other then to keep securing its military base (Via protecting the immediate Syrian government). The ‘poles’ of the ‘multi-polar’ world keep at it on the backs and suffering of thirds. To the chagrin of the tribe.

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