0 thoughts on “Palestine to join ICC on April 1: Ki-moon”
Although many might think this is the beginning of justice for the victims of Jew hatred, watch closely. Remember Lenin’s statement regarding “the opposition” and the best way to control it is to lead it. The Jew, bolstered by an ample supply of treacherous Goim they have placed in power, has the ability to corrupt OR KILL THOSE NOT CORRUPTABLE. Every “benevolent” international authority having jurisdiction is susceptible to their demonic evil. Watch those “trials” closely. Are they skewed or obviously favoring one side over the other IN SPITE of a preponderance of evidence? Is that evidence intact and accurate? Hitler knew his adversary, the adversary of ALL men. He knew the only way to truly remove the parasite from the host was through a swift movement, a police state which although benevolent to the masses had the power to literally instantly cull the Jew merchants/bankers/ “appointed” Jew administrators from power while it lifted the nation and it’s people from oppression and poverty to an amazing degree in three short years, thirty six months! and it only got better because you had honorable men who cared about and for their fellows and their nation. This sewer has none;
Expect the usual weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Amen Corner on Capitol Hill.
“The United States and Israel, along with Sudan, have said that they no longer intend to become states parties and, therefore, have no legal obligations arising from their former representatives’ signature of the Statute.”
Although many might think this is the beginning of justice for the victims of Jew hatred, watch closely. Remember Lenin’s statement regarding “the opposition” and the best way to control it is to lead it. The Jew, bolstered by an ample supply of treacherous Goim they have placed in power, has the ability to corrupt OR KILL THOSE NOT CORRUPTABLE. Every “benevolent” international authority having jurisdiction is susceptible to their demonic evil. Watch those “trials” closely. Are they skewed or obviously favoring one side over the other IN SPITE of a preponderance of evidence? Is that evidence intact and accurate? Hitler knew his adversary, the adversary of ALL men. He knew the only way to truly remove the parasite from the host was through a swift movement, a police state which although benevolent to the masses had the power to literally instantly cull the Jew merchants/bankers/ “appointed” Jew administrators from power while it lifted the nation and it’s people from oppression and poverty to an amazing degree in three short years, thirty six months! and it only got better because you had honorable men who cared about and for their fellows and their nation. This sewer has none;
I hope this isn’t an April Fool’s hoax.
Expect the usual weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Amen Corner on Capitol Hill.
“The United States and Israel, along with Sudan, have said that they no longer intend to become states parties and, therefore, have no legal obligations arising from their former representatives’ signature of the Statute.”
Gee, I wonder why.