ed note–our apologies to all decent people assaulted/insulted with the vulgarity on the shirt of this ‘Christian’ American, but oftentimes the only way to tell the truth is to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God, and even when the truth is really ugly.
0 thoughts on “Pamela Geller wannabe redneck Jon Ritzheimer launches $10 million fundraising bid for his ‘protection’, garners $300.00”
yet alex jones money bombs reach beyond the 1m mark, ..
it’s folks like you, Mark and the Piper that need the funds right now, that’s the truth.
keep the faith, lets get a TUT show goin, i’m off every sat now, wages are around 15 – 20% less, wth, but no worries.
kind wishes Marko.
Like I said… check out his schnozz. Like I said…. give him payot and a yarmaluke. Get him to invent a scam to make money whilst serving the Tribal overall agenda of divide and conquer, yada yada yada…
And of course, begging for cash to protect himself and his family (remember the children!) for a cause he created for just such a purpose….
No it ain’t never about the shekels…
Nobody is “threatening “,this piece of white trash. I know Jews.It’s not the stereotypical “big nose”. Many peoples have that. Its in the ears,and skull. This man is of the tribe. His body shape too. ‘Have I gotta deal for you”. Chrome dome, wants what Jews revel in-fame,and fortune. He expects his Alex Jones ,Glenn Beck,heroes to “recognize him”. Maybe the Republican National Committee will make him the new, “Joe The Plumber”, or Sarah Palin ?
These types are the worlds oldest juvenile deliquants . They live in a world of Jew Hollywood films as truth. Guns mean “Liberty”,alone to them. They worship Israel,and Jews,as “God”. Being for them,is equivalent to “patriotism”. We have them in my native Pennsylvania. Everyone involved,from top to bottom;”the Patriots”,are moronic,drunks ,drug addicts and trash. One retired policeman I know ,who is involved ,is obsessed with “End Times”,”Raptures”,and of course ,”underground Nazis”,and he worships at the alter of the Holohox-traveling to the Holocaust Museum in DC,more than once ! Everyone of them would of kicked Dachshunds in the street,or poisoned tuxedo cats with “Hitler Mustaches”, during the two Jew World Wars,and burned down Pagodas. Later Chinese,and Russians the targets. Today the Jews say Islam is the “threat”,and these trained Mongral dogs obey !
yet alex jones money bombs reach beyond the 1m mark, ..
it’s folks like you, Mark and the Piper that need the funds right now, that’s the truth.
keep the faith, lets get a TUT show goin, i’m off every sat now, wages are around 15 – 20% less, wth, but no worries.
kind wishes Marko.
Like I said… check out his schnozz. Like I said…. give him payot and a yarmaluke. Get him to invent a scam to make money whilst serving the Tribal overall agenda of divide and conquer, yada yada yada…
And of course, begging for cash to protect himself and his family (remember the children!) for a cause he created for just such a purpose….
No it ain’t never about the shekels…
Nobody is “threatening “,this piece of white trash. I know Jews.It’s not the stereotypical “big nose”. Many peoples have that. Its in the ears,and skull. This man is of the tribe. His body shape too. ‘Have I gotta deal for you”. Chrome dome, wants what Jews revel in-fame,and fortune. He expects his Alex Jones ,Glenn Beck,heroes to “recognize him”. Maybe the Republican National Committee will make him the new, “Joe The Plumber”, or Sarah Palin ?
These types are the worlds oldest juvenile deliquants . They live in a world of Jew Hollywood films as truth. Guns mean “Liberty”,alone to them. They worship Israel,and Jews,as “God”. Being for them,is equivalent to “patriotism”. We have them in my native Pennsylvania. Everyone involved,from top to bottom;”the Patriots”,are moronic,drunks ,drug addicts and trash. One retired policeman I know ,who is involved ,is obsessed with “End Times”,”Raptures”,and of course ,”underground Nazis”,and he worships at the alter of the Holohox-traveling to the Holocaust Museum in DC,more than once ! Everyone of them would of kicked Dachshunds in the street,or poisoned tuxedo cats with “Hitler Mustaches”, during the two Jew World Wars,and burned down Pagodas. Later Chinese,and Russians the targets. Today the Jews say Islam is the “threat”,and these trained Mongral dogs obey !