UNZ – The Israeli government praised the ‘restraint and morality’ of the IDF, as did the fifty-two Major Jewish American Organizations (MJAO) who largely control the US Congress. These grotesque massacres began during the Christian Holy Week on Good Friday and Easter, coinciding with the Jewish Passover. The self-righteous officials of the MJAO and their relatives and friends broke matzos at joyful Seders as the blood of Palestinians soaked into ground at the fence containing the largest open-air prison camp in history, Gaza. CONTINUE READING

12 thoughts on “PASSOVER MASSACRE – 52 Major Jewish American Organizations and Israel Celebrate Passover with the Slaughter of 25 Muslim & Christian Palestinians”
  1. Sorry, Mr. Petras, religion is the cause. Stating what affiliate religion certain victims were will not now, or ever, correct what is happening to Palestinians or the mass murdering of any large groups of people. Religion, is religion, is religion. One religion will never be better than another. It is nothing more than one or more individuals seeking supremacy over all others. It is all a mind-game of the hissing serpent. Free your mind. Free your body. Free your soul. Ramses chief priest – “The people desert their temples, they turn from the gods.” Ramses – “What gods? You profits and priests made the gods that you may prey upon the fears of men.” Say it with me, Jehovah, I am a voice inside your head, oh my, I am a voice inside your head, oh my. The power of men united, will always, keep all others of equal or greater strength divided. It’s how shepherds tend to their flocks. Isn’t that right, all you shepherds of the Torah? Baaahhh, baaahhh… Hello, 7 billion fellow indentured servants, it’s time to wake up and make some changes.

  2. These people are absolutely insane and should be in an asylum. Isn’t this the same as what Hitler did to Jews and now Jews are doing the same to Palestinians. Obviously, they are beyond educating.

  3. @ robken Since you ask, no, Hitler did not do that to the Jews.The holocaust of 6 million Jews never happened, but the Jews instigated both WWI and WWIII according to a courageous defector from Judaism, Freedman, who made a great speech revealing this hidden truth in 1961.
    WWI murdered 50 million Gentile civilians, WWII murdered over 60 million Gentiles, that is why the Jews constantly hypnotize everyone to never to think about that otherwise very obvious fact, by telling us that the most important thing of all, is the so-called holocaust of Jews, that they completely made up.
    Whilst the Gentile population of the world fell dramatically because of both world wars, the Jewish world population actually increased by as much as 900,000 between the start of WWII and the end of WWII, so where did 6 million go???
    The last IRC camp death figure revision stated that only 292,000 or so inmates of all races and peoples died in the camps, none of gas poisoning however, and bearing in mind that there were 5.5 million Russian POW’s, not many of those who died from typhus or dysentery or whatever could have been Jews, obviously far less than half of that total, most likely not more than 55,000, and some of that occurred when control of the camps was handed over to the British, who could not maintain health care practices in the camps, causing mass deaths themselves.
    On my blogsite, mothman777’s blog at WordPress, I provide information showing how several camps like Auschwitz were kept open and used after WWII by the Russians to torture to death and starve to death hundreds of thousands of Germans, some in horrific medical experiments without anaesthetics, like having the tops of their heads sawn off and having their brains surgically mutilated, and then, of course, images of that could be used to provide ‘evidence’ of how the Jews had been tortured and killed by the Germans. You can see an image of that brain ‘operation’ actually happening in a video featured on my site. You know, those photos you are shown in ‘history’ books that leave people saying ‘I know it happened, I have seen the photos’. Just like they do false flags today, they were doing that stuff back then too, they were just as nasty and twisted back then too.
    A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism

  4. The Zionist claim on Palestine is false because it’s based on a fictional 6,000 year-old Earth where Neanderthals never existed. In the real world, most people have some Neanderthal DNA because our ancestors mated with Neanderthals. The vicious, inhumane Israeli apartheid regime is funded by U.S. duped taxpayers $4 billion every year, thanks to the powerful, wealthy Zionist lobby and 60 million Christian Zionists duped by the fraudulent Scofield Bible, published in 1909 by pro-Zionist Oxford University Press.

  5. Tattoos don’t mean that there was an extermination. They were in labor camps and being held, hostage. They weren’t there to be exterminated. The real Holocaust was the Holodomor and Bolshevik Revolution and genocide of 40+ million Russians by Jewish Bolsheviks.

  6. And yet President Trump cuts off funding of Palestine just because the Palestinians were paying stipend to families of those who died killing Jews.
    Goes BOTH ways doesn’t it?
    They have been killing each other for THOUSANDS of years.
    It does not matter which side you finance they will never stop.
    How about we look a little deeper? Who came up with the concept of religious killing first? Well the Jews taught to convert or kill all the Gentiles. Muslims teach to convert or kill all infidels. Christians WERE taught to convert or kill all Heathens. Gentile = Infidel = Heathen which equals, “not of our religion”
    The crusades happened AFTER many Christians were killed by Muslims.
    Jews say all GOYIM are less than dirt. The concept was CREATED in Judaism and copied in their religious clones of Christianity and Islam.
    Who is to blame? Christianity came out of the 14th century in the 1950s however Judaism and Islam remain there.
    What is Dhimmitude? How about Taquiyya? Kitman? How are these intents used by all three religions? Who originated lying to others for the benefit of your religion?
    Which is the root of evil? Which is the spawn?
    Why did the wealthy globalist Khazarian Jews sacrifice the common Jews in WWII? Why do we heart of a 6 million dead “holocaust” but never about the 21 million dead in Russia in the same war?
    History is always altered by the wealthy to place them in the best and most honored light. They however were the ones who did their most evil to win those wars. Even unto committing genocide on their own people who today they use their memory for profit.
    Now finally consider what kind of people would use survivors of the Holocaust 70 years later to glean donations from non Jewish good people to MAKE A PROFIT, instead of taking care of those survivors through training and education over the last 70 years? Meanwhile still calling those good people who donate GOYIM?
    Why are we still witnessing and allowing deception to rape good people of their meager wealth?
    Why are there over 44,000 sects of Christianity. Of all, it indicates Christian are the most confused.
    How about Metzitzah bPeh? (blood ritual) How about the “perfect man” having relations with 1 9 year old wife? How abouthow may times Jesus is mentioned in the Quran (23) and Mohamed (4)? Why are there more than 20 instances of a son of god born of a virgin throughout history?
    Why did all religions teach reincarnation prior to 700 AD and then after that point Jesus became “savior”?
    One would think that Mary the mother of god who named her child Yeshua bar Joseph would have gotten the name of the “son of God” right? I mean she was the first one there right? Why archaeologically weren’t crosses used until 300 years after the birth of Jesus? (because wood was scarce and the longest pieces were used in shipbuilding.) Crucifixion was on a post in his time.
    Why instead do we see the symbol of the cross in ancient history relating to the crossing of the galactic equator? Why does the Vatican know about this and still lies about it? Why is the Vatican now embracing Islam when Islam is in no way compatible with the precepts and concepts of Christianity?
    You really need to pay attention and start asking questions. Also ask yourself why it is religiously a sin to eat from the tree of knowledge?
    ed note–much of what you say is true, but unfortunately you have your facts wrong on a few issues–
    Islam does not teach/preach ‘conversion by the sword’. That is a Judaic lie created for the express purpose of demonizing those whose lands and resources the Jews covet and mean to steal. The only religion that preaches/teaches ‘conversion by the sword’ is Judaism. Furthermore, the basic teachings and practices of Islam are completely compatable with those of Christianity, and I say this not as a Muslim but rather as a Christian who has studied Islam very closely for an extended period of time.

  7. Israel has a highly inferior way of thinking and treating People. I’ll never support Israel!!

  8. “Intelligent anti-Semitisn is an oxymoron. Racism is never intelligent and both races are Semitic.
    ed note–if you had bothered to read carefully you would see that the term ‘anti-semitism’ is in quotes, intimating that it is only referred to as ‘anti-semitism’ by those pushing an agenda and that what we do here is not against ‘semites’ at all but rather a critique of Jewish thought patterns and their attending bad behavior.

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