Ed-note (Sabba) – Thank you to New Listener Guy (NLG). We now know that if anything happens to Pastor Anderson, it will not be an ‘accident’ or a ‘suicide’ or a Muslim or even a Christian zionist.
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Well done, since the especially American brainwashed Christians need to wake up. There are many sources about this subject (they are censured in certain countries, and can land one in prison). Simply check out the Red Cross Nrs. As for myself I take the word of Leon Degrelle, a former SS member who stated that ca. 750.000 jews died from ALL CAUSES, including Typhus (transmitted by flees) which kills one by not be able to keep food down, this is were the demacipated corpses come from. Just investigate the couple of types of Typhus and what this disease will do to people. Check out the photos of ‘skin and bone’ POW from the US ‘civil war’. This was the purpose of the chambers using INSECTICIDE to treat clothes and utensils. They were in ALL camps, not only in those ‘liberated’ by the soviets in the east were the “Hoax” started. There where no “homicidal” gas chambers.
I happened to watch this yesterday. Really good points. Good for home-school kids.
Early in the video, he says he is against ‘socialism’. However, if you read the Constitution, the Founders allowed for ‘socialism’.
The power of the Congress to tax the people to provide for a Post Office and a road-system. That is ‘socialism’ folks…….using taxes to improve the country…….the commons.
Now, using tax money to shower all over wall street, bailing out the banks, corporate welfare, Israel, endless wars fighting Israel’s enemies, and hundreds of military bases all over the globe,…….well yeah, I’m against that.
You’re never going to find someone you agree with on everything 100%, but as a Christian, Pastor Anderson is my hero for no other reason that what he’s doing is heroic on an epic scale. I can’t think of any Christians out there who are doing what he’s doing on this level. There are a few, but none who have pulled so much together. By sinking so much time, money and labor into his film, he’s going to cause some seismic shifts in the Zio evangelical world. They might take some time getting started, they might be slowly starting, but they’re there and they will just continue to get bigger and bigger the more people watch his videos. First, they’ll just attack him and ignore him by not talking about him on “mainstream” Christian networks (like CBN). Won’t matter, though. I really think you’re going to see what he’s done gather more and more power. The real question is: what horrendous evil are “they” going to do to America (again) to pull the American public into yet another war for The Jews.
gugul…”six million my ass”…..the man shows newspaper articles back to 1914 crying about “six million jews”
don’t forget…a lot of people were dying of typhus, so the best way to stop the disease from spreading
Pastor Anderson better further his education and study Islam, because he doesn’t have a clue about what Islam teaches. I am no expert but at least I know it’s similar in a lot of ways to what Christianity is supposed to be. His aspersions towards Islam are totally false. If any two religions should be brothers Islam and Christianity are them.
The International Red Cross Report of 1948 States ,”Upon inspection of concentration camps for interned enemy civilians in German Occupied territory ,and Germany during WW2;no homocidal equipment was found”. The “Final Solution”,lasted only 18 months ! It would of taken the Reich 75 years to “gas”, and 35 years to cremate , “6 million people “. The Jews always use the numeral “6”. Why? 666 hexogram. Star Of Saturn. Sabbath is the 6th day,and Saturn, the 6 th planet from the sun. That is the “Mark of the beast….see Fred Leucter,Holocaust Report, You Tube.
I like his critical thoughts on the HoloHoax and satanic Judaism.
I do not appreciate his thoughts on Islam and that he equates the two.
I hope this good pastor does some better research on Islam.
He is so close.
Even still, he is a better Christian Shepard than nearly all of the rest
that we have in the west.
If he can talk to lying jews, then he should also speak with honest Muslims.
Pastor Anderson: I wish you could tell me on what basis you claim Islam a satanic religion? Sham on you.
I wish I had heard this man. Just to let you know Amazon is selling this book “Did 6 Mill Really Die?”. The jews are taking it to court asking or telling them to ban it (Australia). They came up with yet another lie “people don’t want to read about our suffering, etc.” Well they don’t mind telling this BS. Anyhow, please everyone order a copy. I already have mine. Won’t that blow their keepahs sky high?
They are waking up. Many are still blind to the Jewish connections but they are making progress in that they know something is not right.
Dante the ‘final solution’ was about to find a way to remove jews from Germany And Europe through migration. There simply is no evidence of the contrary. Jews were even trained, by the government in trades, so they could ‘make it’ oversees.