Outrageous ! They don’t give up…so determined to continue the NWO march of Yahweh.
I thought we where ” broke”, and ” in so much debt?”
Poverty, broke cities, bad schools, crumbling infrastructure …but money for ” rebels”.
The Tea Party extremists running the Republican Party will very much oblige their hate object …the ” Muslim Marxist, Kenyan “.
Just as they have him the International Trade Jew deal TTP …Obama’s own party balked but his Republican ” enemies ” have it go him !
Dante Ardenz #2: “Poverty, broke cities, bad schools, crumbling infrastructure …but money for ”rebels”.”
In this one sentence Dante, you have summarized a basis on which ordinary people could unite.
Always too little money for a good life for ordinary people, always plenty of money for genocidal war.
Add in that ordinary people end up paying for all of the genocidal wars – plus interest of course – and that sounds like a pretty strong foundation for unity to be built on.
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Outrageous ! They don’t give up…so determined to continue the NWO march of Yahweh.
I thought we where ” broke”, and ” in so much debt?”
Poverty, broke cities, bad schools, crumbling infrastructure …but money for ” rebels”.
The Tea Party extremists running the Republican Party will very much oblige their hate object …the ” Muslim Marxist, Kenyan “.
Just as they have him the International Trade Jew deal TTP …Obama’s own party balked but his Republican ” enemies ” have it go him !
Dante Ardenz #2: “Poverty, broke cities, bad schools, crumbling infrastructure …but money for ”rebels”.”
In this one sentence Dante, you have summarized a basis on which ordinary people could unite.
Always too little money for a good life for ordinary people, always plenty of money for genocidal war.
Add in that ordinary people end up paying for all of the genocidal wars – plus interest of course – and that sounds like a pretty strong foundation for unity to be built on.