Ambrogio Lorenzetti: Allegory of Good Government (detail) at the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena

SPUTNIK – Europa, in Greek mythology, was a Phoenician princess abducted by Zeus and carried off to Crete. In time, Europe was meant to designate the western extreme of Eurasia. Europe, essentially, was the quite provincial Western seed that then sprouted an octopus: the global West.

Over five centuries after the Age of Discovery, we all know a long historical cycle is ending. The Decline of the West is shorthand for a tangle of immense complexity – directly proportional to the ascent of the century of Eurasia integration, driven by China’s New Silk Roads. CONTINUE READING

3 thoughts on “Pepe Escobar: The decline of the West revisited”
  1. “paul and the intolerant god” ?
    think someone is confusing paul with moses
    “When, in May 22, 337 Constantine converts himself to Christianity”
    how come not “converts himself to judeo-christianity”?
    not shy about using ‘judeo-christianity’ elsewhere
    on a level of hitchens, dawkins.
    some info
    bountiful ignorance

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