CHANNEL NEWS ASIA – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday dared the United States’ CIA spy agency to try and oust him, as he branded Western critics of his deadly crime war “animals” and vowed many more killings. In two fiery speeches to mark his 100 days in office, Duterte repeatedly raised the prospect of local or foreign opponents seeking to remove him from power in an effort to stop the violence.
A true badass.
This guy kicks tuckus.
But apparently he did not get the memo that the holocaust is not real.
it’s the jewish mafia. Stop blaming North Americans!!
We should appoint him the head of the Drug Enforcement Agency for life.
I like President Duterte. He has the balls to tell the truth and he knows where all these problems come from. Many naive people still believe that the drug trade is something that happens and that we do not have any control of it. There are many books on this matter like “The Fish is Red” from the year 1959. There is another one “Deadly Secrets” by Warren Hinckle & William Turner from 1988 and a lot more. The more recent is “The Clinton’s War On Women” by Roger Stone and Robert Morrow. The CIA controls the drugs from Asia to be distributed to Europe and the US and from South America, Colombia “The Medellin Cartel” to the US. Behind the CIA are the Israelis who are the masters of disasters. We have the most corrupt administration in the whole world.
Watch in your computer “The Mena Connection” on You Tube. a very interestind documentary about the Mena airport in Arkansas where the drugs are brought from Colombia under the watchful eyes of Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama.