Ed-Note – This is why our ‘Civilization’ is doomed to disappear and deserves to disappear. People are willing to take the streets for the statue of man most of the world has never heard of, they engage in heated and passionate debate about it but when it comes to current and ongoing child sacrifice… radio silence.
They waste our time and theirs in their never ending efforts to rehabilitate Hitler, the Third Reich, each outdoing the other in the art of rhetoric to ‘win’ a debate that only exists in their mind. They bore us to death with stories about N.S Germany, stories we have all heard 6 million times but on subjects that really matter, such as this one, those master rhetoricians all of sudden disappear.
They have no time to waste to fight to put an end to this never-ending and real Holocaust. No. When it comes to what really matters, they all of sudden loose their passion, they loose up to the will the defeat the JWO, as they often claim to justify their incessant efforts to convert people into NS.Germany/Hilter idol worship.
Instead of wasting their time and ours on stuff which presents no threat whatsoever to the JWO, why do they not use their brains, time and resources to try and rehabilitate Christianity, Christian values, the Christian way of life (not to be confused with the ‘Western way of life’)? Why do they not do any efforts to try their best to rehabilitate the Middle Ages to its real splendor and glory as they do with NS Germany? Why do they not put their passionate nature in use to restore the truth about the original Jesuits?
Because at the end of the day, the greatest enemy the Synagogue has ever had is not Hitler: it was and still is Jesus (PBUH), Christianity, and, by extension, Christianity’s sister in faith, Islam, and what these twin religions stand for.