
0 thoughts on “Polished Lying–Obama says ‘World not fooled by Putin’s strategy in Syria’”
  1. 1. I have a semantic disagreement with Mark here: “polished lying?!? I don’t agree there is anything “polished” about it, unless by “polished” Mark means the same lie that has been repeated so much and so often that by mere repeated friction t has been buffed to sheen.
    Sorry to be grossing out any reader but any dry, old turd can be “polished” if the turd vendor applies himself diligently to the task.
    2. Favorite points in the video:
    a. When Obama has a slip of the tongue and says the US and Russia are having technical exchanges to make sure that “no US and American planes are in the air” (instead of no US and Russian palnes are in the air at the same time)…. He sure doesn’t want any US planes in the air. Not while the Russians are zooming about…
    b. When he says that Putin went into Syria “not out of strength but out of weakness”…. I liked this joke so much I laughed out loud.

  2. So the CIA couldn’t get the ‘moderates’ to fight ISIS, because they were driven underground by Russian bombing a year later.

  3. Assad government is loved by its people? How does a government like America get to straight out lie about gangs in the streets of Syria and it’s peaceful as long as assad goes…

  4. ariadna, polished lie as in ”looks good”… you obama when he was talking about Afghanistan he was avoiding smiling because he knows he just bombed the shit out of a hospital lately

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