JERUSALEM POST – Pope Francis received a delegation of the World Jewish Congress, headed by Ronald S. Lauder, at the Vatican on Monday evening. The pope addressed the issues of world peace and the refugee crisis, specifically with regards to Europe. “Europe often forgets that it has been enriched by migrants. Europe is closing itself up. Europe is lacking creativity. Europe has a falling birth rate, and problems of high unemployment,” the pope said.
What Chutzpah the ‘Pope’ has.
The Catholic Church is collateral damage in the Judaic quest
for “liberty, fraternity, equality”
Jewish termites and maggots have been feeding on this foundation
and flesh for centuries.
Greek friend of mine just returned from his motherland.
An orthodox Greek nun that spent more than 30 years in Jerusalem
told him that “the Jews spit on us. They are the devil.” while he was there.
That spat upon nun defends Catholic faith better than this Jesuit Judas imposter
was ever suppose to.