
ed note–remember, as discussed here often, the entire reason for Bergoglio’s being moved into place as Pope was to act as Judas goat in leading astray for the benefit of organized Jewry the world’s 1+ billion Catholics on various political matters. Given that close to half the electorate in America is made up of Catholics, Begoglio’s statement is likely to have a very powerful effect on them, and especially when one of the candidates–and the one that Israel is planning to see as the next US President, Rubio–claims to be a Catholic and has taken a decidedly relaxed view of the immigration problem.

Yahoo News

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is “not Christian” because of his views on immigration, Pope Francis said on his way back to Rome from Mexico.

The pope said, however, he did not want to advise American Catholics on whether or not to vote for Trump.

In a freewheeling conversation with reporters on his flight back from a visit to Mexico, Francis was asked about Trump and some of his statements, such as vowing to build a wall between the United States and Mexico if he becomes president.

“A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said in answer to a specific question about Trump’s views. “This is not in the gospel.”

Asked if American Catholics should vote for someone with Trump’s views, Francis said:

“I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt,” he said.

On his last day in Mexico, Francis said a Mass on the U.S. border, where he railed against immigration policies that force many underground and into the hands of drug gangs and human smugglers.

Trump has also said he would deport millions of illegal migrants if he wins the November U.S. election. Last week he told Fox Business television that Pope Francis did not understand the Mexican border issues.

“The pope is a very political person. I think he doesn’t understand the problems our country has. I don’t think he understands the danger of the open border that we have with Mexico,” he said.

Asked about being called a “political person”, Francis said: “Thank God he said I was a politician because Aristotle defined the human person as ‘animal politicus’. So at least I am a human person.”

Trump has taken a more than 20-point lead over U.S. Senator Ted Cruz in the Republican race for the presidential nomination, with his campaign seeming to thrive off the endless controversies that he has generated.

8 thoughts on “Pope says Trump 'not Christian' in views, plans over immigration”
  1. I generally agree with most of the views here, but we have to be careful with Trump. Keep in mind that he has stated he will stand with Israel on numerous occasions. He is also proud of his daughter coverting to Judaism and has Jewish grandchildren.
    As an outsider, it is clear to me that both the Democratic and Republican party are owned and controlled by weathy jews, Trump included. If Trump was against the Jews them he would end up like Ron Paul (a true American and patriot in my opinion that is against jewish influence in the US).
    Trump is just controlled opposition, made to attract the “awake” people in America, but in the end, he’s just another Zionist and a good goyim.
    Either vote for third party that does not support Israel or dont vote at all. Voting for Trump or Bernie would just be what the jew’s want.

    ed note–if Trump were truly as much in Israel’s camp as some would suggest, based solely on superficial statements and gestures he has made, there would not be this concerted effort on the part of Jewry to see his candidacy destroyed.
    They understand that he is saying one thing for public consumption but meaning another, and since this is how they view him, perhaps so should we. I understand the Muslim reticence in seeing him as anything other than an adversary, but there is a much more complicated game being played here than some would imagine.

  2. Now I see BOTH sides taking swipes at the CHRIST in Christian. Being very aware of the Devil’s tricks to deceive, the Pope may have made some remark about Trump’s ‘Christian’ values (fundamentalism, secularist, atheist or some other “brand”) when he in fact does not welcome the stranger into our midst, as Christ exhorted, and rightfully so. He is stating a fact. Christ belongs to the poor, the lowly, the STRANGER, to us ALL, and we to Him. He addressed all these issues in the NT, not the OT. That is where you will find the teachings of Christ. I suggest the book of Matthew. Try
    Matthew 25:34-45
    The Empire’s War on the Border – Full Documentary // Empire_File018/19 – YouTube
    Join Abby Martin as she investigates why there are thousands of bodies on the US Mexico border–and uncovers a hidden war–in this full-length documentary, originally aired as a two-part series.
    Discover what is not only a shockingly high body count, but a humanitarian crisis manufactured by the U.S. government. Sinister tactics by a bloated Border Patrol, a for-profit prison pipeline, and a court system that looks more like a slave auction, all surround the senseless death of thousands.
    From NAFTA’s impact to hidden camera footage of “Operation Streamline”, learn about this U.S. policy of death, and the humanitarian disaster caused by the U.S. deportation machine.
    War Against the Poor: Low-Intensity Conflict and Christian Faith
    (ENTIRE BOOK) An analysis of “low-intensity conflict” — the United States global strategy of warfare waged against the poor — as seen in Nicaragua during the 1980s.
    Traditional Values
    l”If you wish to love your neighbor as yourself, divide your money with him.” – – St. Augustine

  3. Sorry Mohammed .Trump is for real ,and please don’t compare the old dottering ” Libertarian ” fool Ron Paul’s stupid low budget campaign and his silly behavior to Trumps .
    Old Paul ,Anti Social Security ,Anti Medicare ,Labor Laws ,Wall Sreet deregulation etc was never going anywhere .
    He achieved nothing in Congress ,of in any of his quixotic runs .
    Trump has been attacked like no other .Ron Paul was deferred to as an ” idealist “.
    Can anyone imagine him as President ?
    Laughable …he’d of been chewed up day one .
    Trump is rich,and media savvy …a fixture ,and celebrity .
    He has leadership ,and pugnacious freshness ….no gadfky like Ron Paul.
    Funny how some who think they are Jew wise ,cannot see a friend when need be.
    By goodness ,what more can Trump do ,or how many attacks can be survive till some can see .
    He has turned the Republican Party on its Kosher heals, and is beating them so far .

    The Pope is owned and operated by the Judaists. The latter are not human. So Pope is not human. Case closed.

  5. An afterthought …who is the Pope to judge who is a Christsin ,when he so admires the Anti Christ Jews?

  6. The Lord will cleanse His own house. Of that I’m sure.
    Accounts of Jesus driving the money changers from the Temple are found in Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18; Luke 19:45-46; and John 2:13-17.

  7. That makes two of them. I suppose Mrs Clinton is a good Christian given her liking for killing innocent babies and making money from it. “Is the Pope a Catholic” the old adage used to go. Sadly it doesn’t work anymore.

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