2 thoughts on “Putin and Trump speaking tomorrow: anti-ISIS alliance on the way”
  1. I do have to ask here why President Trump has recently just given the crypto-Jewish Saudi Arabian government a huge military contract, in the full knowledge that just about all the 9/11 pilots were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq, or Afghanistan, and it must be gravely apparent to him, especially through his conversations with Tulsi Gabbard and President Putin, that Saudi Arabia is a great supporter of ISIS (and Israel who is behind ISIS and the previous US administration). His current administration is heavily stocked with Ashkenazim, so when will he actually show his courage and even oppose Saudi Arabia for instance?
    I am all for giving Mr Trump a good chance to show his true colours, and can see how many powerful Jews oppose his presidency, but what the hell is he doing giving weapons to Jewish-controlled Saudi Arabia when that Israeli Jew-controlled nation attacked America on 9/11 in heavy collusion with crypto-Jewish agents in the US administration, and supports ISIS, supposedly at war with the US?
    Why the hell isn’t President Trump not only refusing to arm Saudi Arabia, but BOMBING the crap out of Saudi Arabia. I see weakness, not strength. This is not some mere tactic or play by Mr Trump, he is folding already, he cannot arm a country that has attacked the US and not be folding.

  2. I’m sure russia is a little concerned about Trump`s “safe zones.” which some are calling no fly zones. Lets hope all goes well with their little talk.

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