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0 thoughts on “Putin As Rescuer: Will He Deliver Us From The Evil Empire?”
  1. Putin can be such,if he properly identifies the culprit,in the coming war;the international Jews. I had massive admiration for him as he properly identified the NWO,and took on the Jewish Powers,internal,and external. But since the Ukraine crises,he,and his system,have fallen back on old Red rhetoric,about nonexistent Nazis,which sounds like Alex Jones lying script. This line,will merit him nothing,as it is untrue,and he must know the Ukraine is being led by Jew billionaires,and it is is International Jewish finance which runs the West,and is the author of Russia’s woes. If he truly believes this,he will fail. He must reach out to traditionalist,and nationalists all over the world,and particularly in Germany.If he can gain leverage over Germany public opinion,and German industrialists,he can break them from NATO. The stupid “Left”,in Germany will eschew him,and the CIA owned Conservatives ,need their paychecks. They are hopeless.He must stop the WW2 propaganda,and return to his boast,of how it was Russia,and not Jew run Thatcher,or other neoconservatives who called for German reunification. He must call for a sovereign ,independent Europe,at peace,and free from NATOs ,EU insanity. Because even if Russia averts war,or wins one,the International Jews,who ride above the nation states of the west,will survive. Unless,this power is called into question,and they are broken,the world cannot be free,and certainly not Russia.Putin must learn,that whether,he likes this,o not,he,is in the same precarious position Adolf Hitler was in 1939,as the Jews began asailing the freed,and ascendent,Third Reich.The West,hampered,by International Finance,was failing economically,while the AXIS who threw them out was dynamic,and living in full employment. Putin has freed Russia from the Rothchilds,(like Hitler did),and he must maneuver to free the worked from them. See,The Nationalist Solution To Money,You Tube. IMPERIUM, Francis Parker Yockey, HITLER S WAR,David Irving.Com. Dreamer Of The Day,Kevin Coogan

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