One thought on “Putin-Trump A-Team: 'There is No Doubt Russia, US Will Fight Daesh Together'”
Let’s see first who the Trump team surrounds him with.
The neocon oligarchs are still figuring out how to termite
themselves into the foundation.
There must be a purge now in the CIA, Pentagon, FBI,
and most importantly, The Treasury.
Nationalize the Fed and default on the confiscated debt.
It frees up trillions in fraudulent national Judaic/Marxist debt and releases
it to rebuild ours and the world’s human infrastructure.
Let’s see first who the Trump team surrounds him with.
The neocon oligarchs are still figuring out how to termite
themselves into the foundation.
There must be a purge now in the CIA, Pentagon, FBI,
and most importantly, The Treasury.
Nationalize the Fed and default on the confiscated debt.
It frees up trillions in fraudulent national Judaic/Marxist debt and releases
it to rebuild ours and the world’s human infrastructure.