
Ed-note (Sabba) – For the past 1400 years, not one single Muslim ever thought that it would be an act of Faith and Piety to destroy these monuments. In fact, even God Himself did not think it would be an act of Piety and left them standing for 5000 years (or, more likely 12000 years). But the Qatari know better than God.

What is that religion which has stories of men wrestling with God, rabbis impugning with God Himself and… God conceding a defeat???

Whenever one reads about the Qatari or Emirati or Saudi rulers and clerics, one should automatically think Sabbateans and their main dogma: REDEMPTION THRU SIN. 

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  1. Just the title has me breathless.
    They would not dare!
    Now to read… sorry… this headline really did shock me.

  2. This fatwa is an example of what I call Islamic fundamentalism. It is not true Islam, just as Christian fundamentalism is not true Christianity.

    Fundamentalists are essentially Judaic, in that they worship hate and selfishness. Fundamentalists have no concept of reverence. They hate everyone, including themselves. They are always itching to kill. If they call themselves “Christians,” then they insist that all Muslims want to kill them as badly as they want to kill all Muslims. Their religion is based on a desire to slaughter and enslave.

    By contrast, true Muslims and true Christians revere that which is lovely and beautiful. When they see sacrilege, they do not feel anger like the fundamentalists. Instead, they feel grief, which is far deeper and longer-lasting. Their grief cannot be described, for it transcends the intellect, and exists in a nameless spiritual dimension.

    Fundamentalists – like Jews – are at war with the world, and ultimately with God.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – see “enemies” everywhere.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – see themselves as righteous soldiers of their pig god.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – boast a lot, but they are cowards and weaklings on the battlefield.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – see themselves as eternal victims.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – say that their “enemies” all want to exterminate them.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – hate everyone, and insist that everyone hates them.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – deny the evil in themselves, and project it onto others.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – despise true Muslims and Christians.
    Fundamentalists – like Jews – are motivated by hate and pride (not love, grief, or altruism).

    This split between fundamentalists and true people of God occurs in all religions. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, or whatever – they all have fundamentalists vs. truly spiritual people. All fundamentalists, regardless of their religion, are essentially Judaic. Today, most religious people (not all) are fundamentalists, because most have become Jews.

    In Islam, it is fundamentalists who focus on the Sunni / Shi’ite split. A true Muslim, and a true lover of God, considers all such distinctions to be trivial and superficial. A lover of God is a kind, generous person who is grateful for what he has, and does not seek to enslave anyone. He does not seek to destroy Jews (hate and destruction are the job of Jews and fundamentalists). He just doesn’t want to be like them. He doesn’t want to think like them, or be near them.

    The Jew and the fundamentalist (same thing) dread the true lover of God, for they know that the lover of God will not play the Jew’s games, nor give the Jew any energy. For the lover of God, the Jew is un-think-able.

    The Saudis and the Gulf oil sheikhs are Jews, i.e. fundamentalists.

    In a nutshell, if you are hateful and selfish, then you are a Jew / fundamentalist.

    If you are compassionate and altruistic, then you are a lover of God.

    That’s my opinion, anyway.

  3. @nooralhaqiqa
    Spot on! Also brings to mind the Orient House in Palestine, which they took over with all the invaluable artifacts and documents of Palestinians history and land ownership in it, which must have gone up in smoke.

  4. @ Sabba: Thank you for posting this (in continuation of your recent string of great posts).

    Our Prophet (saas) did prophesise: “In the End Times, [most of] the religious Scholars/ Authorities will be the worst people under the sky!” … And people out there still wonder if the End Times are here yet?!

    It was enough to read that these portal-sheikhs had made it permissible to burn people as punishment. That in itself (inventing/ changing what’s ‘Divinely permissible’ or not) throws them out of the fold of Faith/ Islam. However, these are the same critters who go around judging/ labeling others as infidels and innovators! … On top of the Jew-Worshipping, ISIS-funding Governments/ Aristocracy (?!), to have to deal with this type of Jurisprudence is a SEVERE and oppressive Tribulation for the last remaining True Muslims in those lands…who might know much better but are going extinct facing death penalties for questioning/ correcting the ignorant Cabaal in Muslim guise!

    You are kind in calling them Sabbateans. One may justifiably call them “Jaahils” (ignorant/ bigots/ idol-worshippers/ depraved/ wicked/ heedless/ corrupt/ whim-or-money-or-Self-worshippers/ hypocrites) of the pre-Islamic era … because the Jews have led a lot of them right back to where they were before Islam arrived!

    Who in this world will tell them that : the amount of resources and energy they are ready to spend in this retarded “bright idea” … should rather (and first) be spent in fighting/ eradicating oppression, as the greatest need of the hour? Do they obey/ listen to anyone other than the money-masters (who are, thus their Gods)?

    If these scum were asked to destroy the far more numerous idols in their psyche first … would they even comprehend the suggestion, or will they develop aneurism at the very thought of it? And isn’t that gross lack of comprehension the very reflection of what their ‘Islam’ truly is … and what putrid fruits they are of the ‘Jew.K’/’Jew-S’-espionage-installed Kingdom/Muslims?

    We should ask these impostors to begin by first destroying the greatest Idol of their worship —– themselves!

  5. By the way, the Sabbatean-Donmeh connection reminded me of the famous Turkish writer Harun Yahya whose early works/ books I used to find really inspiring. His story is amazing — he started out as an activist student, in Istanbul U., against Freemasonry in Turkey. In teh late 90’s, he was arrested, falsely labeled mentally insane (a VERY common consequence of exposing Freemasons!), placed in an institution where he was “treated” by the secret services/ masons for his ‘insanity’.

    Almost two years later he was released … and like “the Phoenix that rose out of his ashes” he soared in his success and fame! He was certified/ granted “Saint” status by the entire Society of Saints in that region, and then he became the most influential Muslim figure in the world!

    The last thing I remember seeing is how he was magnanimously defending Israeli Rabbis who continually plot and advocate towards the destruction of Al Aqsa! He says: “Islam is Love and Forgiveness!” … And I was sitting their shaking my head … because our Creator never told us to love His Sworn Enemy/ enemies (who will never repent). Anyway, those were merely my humble observations; I have no certificates from any society either.

    I believe the Harun Yahya that is seen today is not the same man as the original — he is likely a doppelganger (or Monarch Phoenix) of the original, who knows! Nonetheless, some of his old works (of the original man) are still great.

    On further dot-connecting thoughts … I couldn’t help but see the possible link between these Qatari portal-sheikhs’ commissioning of burning people and the Jordanian ISIS hoax in recent times.

    Also, this stupid (or wicked) Fatwa may just be another convenient ploy/ element/ basis in sparking yet another clash of civilizations. According to the Greater Israel Delusion, Egypt has to be attacked by ISIS at some point in time anyway.

  6. And finally, the greatest tell-tale sign —- they issue Fatwas to insult Christianity! [ These scum should be immediately forbidden from reading any Chapter from the Qur’an that is dedicated to Mary and Jesus (pbut)! ]

    That sordid Fatwa would provoke ANY true Muslim to denounce them from Islam (which is the very Takfiri provocation they aimed for), and would spark conflicts between Christians and Muslims (which is a super-priority for the Jews right now). It’s interesting how the latter has been done ritually in Ottaman history (the Donmeh connection again!) — whose wounds are far easier to reopen than imparting brand new ones.

    Which make us wonder : is Qatar married to Turkey already?

  7. @ K : Since last year, I began saving your illustrations/ graphics on my computer. Soon afterwards, it was your articles on the Truth About Money. Recently, I found myself saving a lot of your comments. And today (above) … this comment of yours was a most thoughtful, soulful and insightful classic. Thank you so much.

    What you said about ‘grief’ (for the sake of God and humanity and not teh self) was very revealing of your own inner dimension of understanding, and absolutely true. God, in His Revelations, even asked his Messengers not grieve, since the time of Adam or Noah (pbut). And those who walk God’s Path obviously experience similar vicissitudes.

    Your highlight on love and altruism reflects intuitive truth within the human soul. Correspondingly, this is the Verse that binds true Christians and true Muslims :

    “You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah (e.g., most HIndus, Buddhists, etc.) … and you will find the nearest of them in AFFECTION to the believers [are] those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” (Al-Maidah: 82)

    The Highlight of this Verse (and THE binding factor) is, indeed, ‘AFFECTION/ LOVE’. In other words, its about the hearts and not the technicalities/ specifics.

    If I may also add … in that the excellent and illustrative list of characteristics that you mentioned … everything will still hold true if one were to replace the word ‘fundamentalists’ with the following (some of these actually being straight from the Qur’an) :

    ‘bigots’ … ‘ignorants’ … ‘satans’ … ‘the party/ army of Satan’ … ‘the plotters’ … ‘Secret Councils’ … ‘the wicked’ … ‘Hypocrites’ … ‘impostors’ … ‘the misguided’ … ‘the cursed’ … ‘the depraved’ … ‘the scum of mankind’ … ‘the evil ones’ … ‘obstinate-rebellious-transgressors’ … ‘tyrants/oppressors’ … ‘those who wrong others and displace people/ things from their rightful places’ … ‘the deceived’ … ‘the ungrateful’ … ‘the indecent’ … ‘mischief-makers’ … ‘shedders-of-blood’ … ‘lying souls’ … ‘the impure/ filthy’ … ‘the envious’ … ‘suggestors/ coaxers of evil’ … ‘the vile’ … ‘the degraders of mankind’ … ‘the enemies of mankind’ … ‘God’s Enemies’ … ‘the misleaders of mankind’ … ‘the insincere’ … ‘the immodest’ … ‘liars’ … ‘those with diseases in their hearts/ souls’! [etc.]

    Also, I recall the great article you wrote on Fundamentalism.

    Meanwhile, the Jews had hijacked even our terminology, and created much confusion therein. The key idea [fro those who truly found the Love of God] is that they [naturally] want to adopt/ live ALL of God’s Ordainments/ Guidance to perfection.

    In Islam (and the original Guidance of Jesus (pbuh)), e.g., you can’t pick and choose what you want to obey. You either strive to follow the whole thing, or you don’t. And this quest for perfection in Faith is what the Jewlluminati’s system quickly labels as an ‘extremist’… because they are only happy if you kept God/ Faith as a side dish or a part-time preoccupation. Hence the Freemasonic requirement of keeping God and State separate! And this wickedness was normalized when Jew-sponsored clergy extracted “the Heart/ Soul/ Spirituality” of Faith and reduced the latter to a bunch of empty rituals (and Fatwas!) … while the former was auctioned out to various innovations such as ‘Sufism’, ‘New Age’ etc. … wherein both sides got Judaized!

    Meanwhile, the Cabala was invented as the inverted (viz. Satanic) mirror-image of that extracted “Heart/ Soul/ Spirituality” aspect of Faith — this being THE very first ‘Hijack’ in the foundation/ beginning of the brick-by-brick build up of the Satanic/ inverted JWO to usher in the impostor Antichrist Dajjal. … And it is that Cabala-infused-Christianity-and-Islam that was to found the occult (reverse-spiritual) basis of the Antichrist’s feats and reign. [In simple terms, the implication was to be : sweet, deceptive yet monstrous lies… incl. ‘unspeak’.]


    Your great comment inspired me to share something. When facebook came out, I was appalled and disgusted by [foreseeing] the narcissism that it was going to promote. In response, I opened a facebook page that I dedicated to Inspirational/ Spiritual/ Faith-related/ Truthing/ Activist/ Anti-Zionist objectives. (I quit the activity last year, but left the page as it is). Needless to say, I lost all my so called friends (incl. Muslims), clearly because of the some of the content on my page.

    When Zuckerberg announced that he was personally censoring/ monitoring the content, some of my posts kept on getting deleted (which revealed exactly WHAT bothers the Jews the most). I responded by a scolding message to the Jew that is still on there!

    Anyway, I’m sharing some of those posts below … as inspired by your beautiful comment … [beginning with the very post that Zuckerberg deleted several times] :





























  8. @ Human Melody 1: Thank you for the images, and for your kind words. I can see you put a lot of thought into your comment, and I appreciate what you have to say.

    Regarding the “Truth About Money” series, my hope is that people will change their beliefs about money. Beliefs can free us or enslave us. Most people are slaves because they believe their masters’ lies. –K

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