This offshoot of early Islam now has little relationship to modern Islam. The Druze are scattered throughout the mountainous regions of Syria, Lebanon and Israel. They have traditionally been very secretive about their lives and little was known about their beliefs. They are now coming out of the woodwork and hosting small groups in their homes so that others can understand what they are about. It’s not so that you can be converted, as Druze is a closed shop. You have to be born into it, and if you marry outside the religion you are no longer part of the clan. They know that this means that their numbers are slowly dwindling. They believe in reincarnation for all of us, as one Druze dies the soul is born into another newborn Druze baby.
Who are the Druze? An enlightening talk with a Druze leader, former MK Ayoub Kara – and his combat soldier nephew, Majid.
Most of Israel’s Druze community are proudly Zionist, but some complain of discrimination
i see there’s a E-addy for this enemy ~ and if i thought i wouldn’t be hacked or get some virus i’d let this individual know how corrupt their view is… i don’t wish Kara a long life.
they are wanta be jews they actually think they are jews. They have no guilt in killing Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese and anybody else there masters tell them to.
Druiz are such a confused people that adjust their outlook on life according to their socio-political surroundings. Also, their manupilation by Israel is not an Israeli invention. The panaroid Druiz have been manupilated by all powers who influnced the region, native or external. although they are known for their confused royalty, we must remember that many of them are still Anti-Israelis, and some are still strongly pro-Syria.
It would be good for their delusional leaders who want to fight Islamic exterimism to read the Old Testament first.
Zio propaganda. There are Druze who are Palestinian patriots.
Fascinating how the Jews can sniff out another race’s version of chosenness & use it to their advantage–the Japanese, the Indians. In a weird way, they even try to get Canadian Native peoples to identify with plight (truly horrendous) to sympathize against the Palestinians. They’re always acutely aware of their target audience’s attitude toward whatever they’re selling.