ed note (Tony)…Notice he ‘pours old wine into new wine-skins‘ by mentioning; “10 commandments, Exodus, Moses, Old Testament, Judah……………”.
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I could tell this goof was a Fundamentlist by the tacky dark colored shirt,and light tie ! Zio-Christinaity is a Judaic Construct. It was pushed by the Jews ,as their first revolutionry injection,into post Middle Ages, society. Oliver Cromwell,was their first big hit,and King James : A Mason codified it,with his ‘Bible’. These people worship the Old Testament “God” Yahweh,and ignore the New Covenant Of Christ.
No tie- Microphone,which is worse ! LOL bad eyes can do that !
@Dante Ardenz
Christians believe Christ is Yahweh. I don’t believe they ignore the New Covenant, but that its been so misunderstood and warped by those who don’t understand what their reading. Most people read the Bible and understand it based upon a 21st century viewpoint when none of it was written in the 21st century. The Bible was completed about 2000 years ago and it was written to actual people who actually lived then not now. Not many Christians read the Bible in historical context, but as if it was written yesterday and directly to them. What makes this worse is the KJV translators did a fair but inaccurate job of translating based upon the information they had at that time. For example, they translate 3 different Greek words as world. Newer translations have fixed this by giving the 3 different meanings of age, world, and known world. Words are important because that’s how we communicate meaning. If we misunderstand the meaning of words we will misinterpret what was meant by what was said. For example, Jesus said to “preach the gospel to every creature.” Does that mean Christians should be preaching to chickens, dogs, and cats? You have to understand what creature means before you can understand what was meant. The average Christian and non-Christian thinks they can just pick up a copy of the Bible and they can understand it with no problems, but that is complete and utter BS! Sure, there is a lot we can understand simply by reading it, but what do we do when verses don’t make sense to us? Most of those who are the critics cry contradiction and think they’re so smart cause the Bible doesn’t line up with how they interpret it. While the average Christian just skips that part and believes what their “pastor” tells them. Not to mention all the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic nuances that are lost in translation that the average reader never knows about. All of this has turned Christianity into a joke, a laughing-stock, and a horrific institution of religion where truth is hard to come by and when its found is so soiled by error that the lot of it is spoiled! That’s why I no longer go down to the Church House. Because there is just too much refuse to wade through for only a crumb of truth. If you don’t understand hermeneutics then your gonna misunderstand everything from the Bible, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Quran, to the letter your spouse wrote to her sister if you somehow think she wrote it to you. More important than your understanding of a given text is how you came to that understanding.