No stranger to making controversial statements, Sefardi haredi Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi (Mizrahi) posted a photo of a destroyed Buddhist temple in Nepal with the text, “All [t]he idols [sic] worshiping places [i]n Nepal are now destroyed.”
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No stranger to making controversial statements, Sefardi haredi Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi (Mizrahi) posted a photo of a destroyed Buddhist temple in Nepal with the text, “All [t]he idols [sic] worshiping places [i]n Nepal are now destroyed.”
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This is not the statements of a crazy extremist,with the world of Judaism,but the central tenant of all Jews. “Thou shalt have no other GODS,but who ? Yahweh.that cruel dual good/evil tribal entity of the Old Testament. “Every knee shall bend”. The Jews are at war,with the entire world,and indeed the universe,for their exclusive God. All must serve,them to serve Him. If you can liberate yourself,from organized Christianity,and Christian Identity,one can see the Jews very clearly….”One must worship the creator,and not the creation”. This is why Jews,and their Gentiles lackeys exploit the earth,and hate creative cultures. This is why the Jew promotes conformity,whether it be through finance capital,or Marxism…the term Bolshivism is not the academic. one about the split between one Red Group or the other,but the tide of Judiac this thinking as expressed by this Jews rant. Why do the Jews promote oneness,and minimilist design such as modern art. The abstract is indeed Yahweh,as he rules,by ,distraction. ThevJews cleverly subverted Christianity,to merge Christ,with the OT,as to diminish the New Covenant,and keep Yahweh in defacto control….the entire world is ,an idol,to the Jews,and must be conquered. See,Yahweh God of The New World Order & synagogue Of Saturn,You Tube.
Such a humanitarian.
Oh goody, the Jews are going to destroy that wall (idol) they all worship and pray to in Jerusalem.
Open admission explains IDF’s use of their mercs, ISIS to “destroy all goyim idols” in Iraq/Syria, whether Xtian or Muslims.
There will be no physical history left to disprove this feces tribe from hell if the ZioFilth can use geoweapons or phony jewhadis to destroy everything for them
LoL Israel Connection. Titus took down the Temple,of theirs,where nasty Yahweh lived…the “Wall”,is the remains of Roman Fortress! Their idols dwell in it,and they re mating with them ! Hen e the thrusting movement….see SATAN AT THE WAILING WALL. Real Jew News.Com.