5 thoughts on “Rabbi says move against Hezbollah an opportunity for alliance between Israel and "Arab world"”
  1. No surprises here. If you understand that the Saudis are partially responsible, through hypocrisy and double dealing in the past, for the situation in Palestine today, you would understand this is just more of the same…. It is not the first time these Salafist types have supported Israel openly or clandestinely.
    The above document was signed by Ibn Saud of the French pledges to give Palestine to the Jews Roughly it translates as “I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I acknowledge and admit to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the Jews or other poor.”
    So should anyone really be surprised that they now deem Hezbollah, who threatens their interests, terrorists? They are simply emulating the Jewish tradition of projection ……

  2. Afterthought. Do they REALLY think that this will save their lands from being engulfed by the Greater Israel Project? Or do they really NOT know that they are on the infamous PNAC list of countries for destruction by America ~ although near the bottom

  3. The northern part of SauArabia is part of the Greater Israel project according to the Oded-Yinon -plan. ( Sau is a german very derogatory expression for a female pig ). Can they Saudis really be so stupid not to realize what is planned for them ?

  4. No Eva, the ibn saud (jews) plan to give it away for free to their jewish brethren occupying Palestine to create eretz israel when the time is right.

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