
Rabbi Yaakov Deutsch, from Afula, convicted of holding ongoing relationships with four teenagers.

Ed note–as much as some would say that this is something of a ‘modern’ phenomenon, i.e. rabbis sexually abusing young people, realism dictates otherwise. Remember, the Old Testament character Lott, cousin to Abraham, is recorded having sold his 2 virgin daughters into sexual slavery and only a few paragraphs later, we find the 2 of them engaging in incest with him in what was more than likely a re-write of the actual event in order to exculpate Lott. When Jesus referenced child abuse and said that anyone who engaged in harming little children should have a millstone tied around their neck and for them to be cast into the sea, He was more than likely referring to the same kind of sexual abuse taking place then within the Jewish community as we see taking place these days with such frequency. Remember–the Rabbis see themselves as gods who can do no wrong, so why would they not avail themselves of molesting small children if they were so inclined?

Israel National News

A Nazareth Court sentenced Rabbi Yaakov Deutsch from Afula to nine years in prison on Wednesday, after he was convicted on charges of sexual abuse against four teenagers – two boys and two girls – whom he taught.

Deutsch was also sentenced with paying a 290,000 shekel ($75,895) fine.

The full seriousness of Deutsch’s actions were examined in the court hearing for the sentencing, and the verdict condemned Deutsch’s acts and motives.

Regarding the testimony of one victim, “it was wrong to think that the accused has the power to ‘cure’ her, and he even made her believe that the relationship between him and her is an ‘instruction from above,'” the verdict stated, noting that the rabbi was using religion as a front for the abuse.

“These acts began when she was about 15-years-old – young and vulnerable – and caused her great confusion as to the morality of the conjugal visits with the accused in light of her haredi education,” it continued. “Between the two there was an ongoing relationship […] in flagrant violation of the trust of the complainant and the accused, and despite her young age.”

The court also rejected the defense’s arguments that the accused were exploiting his status; the court noted that his actions dealt a severe and incontrovertible blow to the dignity, liberty, and physical and mental well-being of the complainants.

“The greatness and power of the defendant in relation to his community, and beyond, led the complainants to trust the defendant, and to be alone with him,” it fired. “Moreover, even the parents of the complainants who saw the defendant as a respected rabbi, trusted him, and thus it never occurred to them that their children might fall victim to exploitation in his hands.”

The ruling surfaces amid a series of court hearings on another scandal involving a rabbi based in the north: at least ten women have accused Rabbi Ezra Sheinberg of Tzfat (Safed) of sexual abuse in a religious context, which made headlines after Sheinberg attempted to flee Israel and was arrested before his departure.

0 thoughts on “Rabbi Sentenced to Nine Years for Sexual Abuse of Teens”
  1. Our Rabbis taught: A girl of the age of three years may be betrothed by intercourse; so R. Meir. But the Sages say: Only one who is three years and one day old.
    Our Rabbis taught: It is related of Justinia the daughter of Aseverus son of Antonius that she once appeared before Rabbi. ‘Master’, she said to him, ‘at what age may a woman marry?’ ‘At the age of three years and one day’, he told her.

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