Israel's chief rabbi says Obama must free Pollard if he wants another term
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0 thoughts on “Reactions to news that Pollard the traitor will go free”
  1. Don’t just sit by,call your Congressman, Senator, and White House.
    Obama can still stop this !
    Even if we loose,show them we are out here.

  2. Do you really believe it makes a diff, Dante? They won’t even see the letters. I once wrote a letter to McCain which was, shall we say … not overly complimentary… and you know what I got back? A request for donations which then I got regularly for a few years. My guess is that their staff just gets the addresses off the envelopes and uses them to build a database of potential voters. Nobody reads them.

  3. Ariadnatheo,you are right !
    I know a women who wrote to the White House about Israel destroying the Palestinian Zoo, and her response back was a letter about the Presidents ,’concern for wildlife.’
    One million phone calls jammed Capital Hill switchboards against Gulf War 2, and they where ignored.
    I still think a stand,must be made though .

  4. Problem is the stupid cattle in US will scream and rage and riot over an irrelvant Confederate flag, but when it concerns the mass production of aborted baby parts? Hardly a peep- and certainly no riots. Torture? yawn. Trillion $ wars while our land has a fourth of its kids in poverty? zzzzzzzz
    these brain dead sheeple will scream and agitate if its parasite gets a few billion cut of our tax donations to them. but do the same for our own people? nope. Gimme the remote.

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