Molly White, a Republican state rep, asks Muslim community members to renounce terrorism, swear allegiance
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Wtf? Maybe someone should ask her to pledge allegiance to the American flag instead of the Israeli flag
“Our” elected politicians (Acolytes of Judaism) are the most OVERT in their worship of the Synagog of Satan in the entire history in these United States.
Handing out Israeli flags. What is next? An Israeli flag on Earnheardtz(sp) car for the Day-Tow-Na red neck race next month?
An Israeli ‘reality’ show.
Maybe US military uniforms with the ‘star of david’ embroidered on it. Lets face, they are already fighting Wars-For-Israel….
Molly White belongs, appropriately enough, to a Cowboy church.
Why doesn’t she renounce to be a bitch and pledge alliance to decency first, My Lord saves us if these are the politicians roaming the halls of congress and senate today
She’ll be flooded with shekels. Btw, it’s normal to greet your constituents with the flag of the country you really serve.
Molly White’s district 55 is Belton.
This is where Mary Harden Baylor University is located. Deep in the religious heart of Texas. Around 1979 the religious association broke away from the general Baptist group and became renegades so to say. They wanted to do things without someone watching over their shoulders.
Right after that a tornado came through a small town of Jerrold, Texas and whipped out most of that community. This town bordered the county line. So, judgment does come to the house of God first: 1 Peter 4:17. Gay marriage soon showed up and some of them preachers in the churches there and Fort Hood had it’s killings. Fort Hood lent their tank to help wipe out those in Waco remember.
Molly White is just a black plague that this place has become.
MG … Here’s a serious NEWSFLASH!
Here is the Canadian equivalent of the Texas rage! [It never fails … North American Union (NAU) is always in tandem!]
This is loaded with typically passive-aggressive and Orwellian “Canadian/UN” style of delivery!
Points keenly Noted by the Truth Movement :
Pagan Harper:
– Is handing over the country to Secret Services and Jewish Legislators!
– Is officialising arrests without any real proof!
– Attacks freedom of speech (esp. Online)!
– Is Sealing some [types of] court proceedings! (Passive hint to ICC noted)!
– Shamelessly uses the Ottawa Hoax as an alibi!
– Hints at the Canadian “Judeo-” values! (Clsh of Civilization)
– Gave the speech at Richmond Hill — a location that’s considered “upper class” and houses a lot of “jellyfish Muslims”/ “the WRONG kind/side of Muslims”! (Clash of Civilization!)
– Is enabling the lockdown of some ‘Believers’, so that they may not fly out of Canada and join the REAL Resistance from a [prophesised] Islamic Army expected to appear this year!
– (and much much more…)
THIS IS SERIOUS! … This has all the signs of the imminent Soviet-era-style Communism/ Orwellian State.
We need to extend our support to (e.g.) Arthur Topham of the Radical Press.
Meanwhile, the scum are calling it “Operation Levitation” (gee, I wonder what that means)!
Under the mythical paradigm that most grand terror is planned and carried out by Muslim fanatics, White’s rule is not idiotic. The reported Facebook discussion illustrates this.
Much more curious is the reaction of Muslim opinion-makers. They can be trusted to faithfully recite their well-known “the worst terrorists are Muslim but most Muslims are not terrorists” mantra, as if they were too dumb to draw intelligent conclusions from watching Building 7’s videos. They are at least as responsible for White’s rule than White and her advisors.
Finally and sadly, Muslims deserve all the islamophobia they get until they realize that the leaders they follow are either terribly ignorant, terribly dumb, or terribly hypocritical. On the other hand, if and when they understand who their most dangerous oppressors are the rulers, teachers and religious scholars they follow, they may lead the world into an era of harmony and prosperity with no historical precedents.
Daniel good critique……please note after September 11 many of the most critical voices were jailed many websites, charities etc were shut down.
What we have left are many of the mamas and papas that grew up in totalitarian states and who know how to keep quiet when told to….the price for the privilege of having more butter and cream.
pretty much most who had stature and critique killed, incarerated or have fled.
Some egs Imam Jamil al Ameen formerly known as H. Rap Brown from the old black panther party , imam Rafil dhafir , shaykh Ali Al Tamimi, brother Tark Mahenna,sh Abu tawbah, sh Omar al Rahman, Dr. Aafia Sadique among many known or unknown who are incarcerated. and sh.awalaki who was wrongfully killed.
May Allah free them all and forgive those who we know and do not know!May they gain the highest places in paradise……since Muslims believe that paradise has different levels depending on the good actions of people some deserve nearness to the Creator. and the martyrs, the truth, and the sincere who die or had lived after performing great sacrifices for Allah.
Do we deserve Islamophobia? Does anyone deserve that?We are all frustrated but the west is not really the abode for real Muslim resistance we are checked by terrorism laws and our numbers …… have a heart bro……..:)
Daniel Noel. How ignorant many people like you are all over. You need to go deeper than that, there are a lot of books by now and computer links where you can learn something. The real oppressor the real terrorist and the cause of all these wars is Israel. Is Judaism not Islamism.
Seriously? What country is she representing? Oh sorry America is a state of Israel’s Plutocracy. She got into office via Israeli funds. Then why is America paying billions to Israel? Oh it make sense now, America is paying in taxes to Israel for being a state of Israel. Ehrm……..yeah that’s right.
No, I don’t blame her, I blame those stupid and low educated people who voted and brought this trash to the government office. These Republican politicians and even senators in Washington show the mentality of those who voted and elected them…
So, we deserve these animals… Hopefully next generation we will have some higher and different mentalities….
I was there as a very young man,when these fools,began creeping into the Republican Party. Now they are are THE REPUBLICAN PARTY . Someone should shock the witch,and tell her the “Star”,on that flag,is a Hexogram 666.