
Fox News reports that a bipartisan probe is looking into State Department funding of OneVoice Movement and its subsidiary V15

ed note–Goddamn every one of these traitorous hypocrites to Lucifer’s hell where they belong. Where is their ‘probe’ into Israel’s attack on the USS LIBERTY that killed 34 American servicemen and brought the world to within 3 minutes of nuclear war with the USSR? Where is their ‘probe’ of Israel’s role in the assassination JFK, the bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma City, the bombings of the World Trade Towers in 93, 9/11, the anthrax attacks, Boston Marathon, etc?


If such a fund existed whereby people could donate $ to purchase coal that would be used to fuel the fires in hell that these bastards will inevitably be calling home after they have left this earthly paradise, I would give every damned dime I had.


Fox News reported on Saturday that a bipartisan probe is being launched by a U.S. Senate Investigatory committee, designed to look into the funding of a not-for-profit group that has been trying to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

One source told that the State Department apparently gave the group taxpayer-funded grants.

On Friday, Netanyahu said that “left-wing and media elements in Israel and abroad have conspired to bring [Zionist Union leaders Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni] to power illegitimately, by means of slander at home and unprecedented money from abroad.” In a Facebook post, the prime minister added that “left-wing elements in Israel and abroad who are streaming tens of millions of dollars to NGOs running an ‘Anyone but Bibi’ campaign in its various guises.”

The Senate investigatory subcommittee has subpoena powers, but no comments on the investigation were available. One source disclosed that the probe was looking at the OneVoice Movement, a group in Washington which has received $350,000 from the State Department. Until recently the group was headed by a veteran diplomat from the Clinton years.

A subsidiary of OneVoice is the Israeli-based V15, which is claimed by Fox News to be guided by administration officials. V15 is advocating a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is thus committed to removing Netanyahu.

No direct link between Obama and such a campaign has been established, and the State Department announced that funding for the group stopped in November, before the elections were called. However, OneVoice did link up with V15 in January. Jeremy Bird, Obama’s previous campaign director, arrived in Israel to help direct V15, which was trying to reach a million households in an effort to remove Netanyahu. OneVoice is prohibited from directly targeting Netanyahu, but its Israeli partner V15 can carry out the campaign.

State Department documents show that funding was also directed to Palestinian activists and to a resumption of peace talks. Despite OneVoice’s backing of V15, funds were not used for election campaign activities, State Department officials there claim.

0 thoughts on “Report: Senate panel probing whether Obama administration funded anti-Netanyahu campaign”
  1. This is a desperate (and futile) Republican bid to save Likud and Netanyahu, three days before the election.

    Let’s examine it closer…

    Although politicians are owned by Jews, Republicans tend to be allied with the Likudniks, while Democrats tend to be allied with Likud’s competitors, which at the moment is the United Zionist Party. (Both Jewish sides equally hate the Goyim.)

    In the US Senate, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) has six Republicans (including John McCain) and three Democrats. That’s why Haaretz calls it “bipartisan.” The term makes it seems that both Republicans and Democrats are equally behind this so-called “probe,” which they are not.

    The Permanent Subcommittee is led by Ohio Republican Rob Portman, who is an Israel-firster, and who is very tight with Netanyahu. Senator Portman has personally met with Netanyahu several times in Israel, and Portman was one of the first politicians to greet Netanyahu when Netanyahu landed in the USA to give his recent speech to Congress (3 March 2015).

    The Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is part of the Homeland security Committee, which is headed by Republican Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Sen. Johnson’s right-hand man is John McCain. Rand Paul is also on this committee. All these Republicans are Likudniks.

    Since Republicans control the committee and the subcommittee, they can claim that the subcommittee has “launched a probe” into Obama’s supposed funding of NGA’s against Netanyahu.

    This is not a bill. It is not even a resolution. It is not an investigation. It is simply an “inquiry” – i.e. a symbolic threat that will go nowhere. And since no Democrats are involved, it is partisan, not “bipartisan.”

    Clearly Netanyahu is in deep trouble, and he has ordered his Republican slaves to do anything and everything possible to help him survive politically.

    In Israel itself, many Jews see Netanyahu as a megalomaniac who cares only about himself, and not about average Jews. Israeli “settlers” were with Netanyahu for a long time, but even they want some changes.

    This megalomaniac image is further confirmed by everything that Netanyahu does, and by everything that US Republicans do to try and save him and the Likudniks. That includes this latest Republican ruse, which is designed to make average Israelis think that Obama is trying to control their election.

    However it is backfiring in Israel, since the Jewish masses see this Republican silliness as yet another desperate move to save Netanyahu.

    The rift between Obama and Netanyahu is real, and it concerns Iran. Obama and his billionaire cronies want a deal with Iran, so they can make billions in new profits. They also want to destroy all semblance of socialism in Iran, and to divide Iran from Russia and Syria. The Iran Project will also weaken Hezbollah.

    You’d think that Netanyahu would favor all this, but he has gone rogue. He doesn’t even care about Jewish supremacism anymore, or advancing the fortunes of the global One Percent. Netanyahu only cares about Netanyahu.

    And that is why he must go.

  2. You realize that fake JEWS owns all media. Hence that ties all hands at FOX news. Am sure the news hosts at FOX would love nothing more than to expose ALL entities. So sad how this synagogue of satan was ever allowed into such control of everything we eat, drink, see on TV, At the movies, in church, books we read, indoctrinated history, etc. The sufferage in the fake Jews hands has been horrific since the beginning of time. Those awakened realize these astrocities were created by them.

    ed note, they are as ‘fake’ as a Tiger Shark is to a Great White. The mental/spiritual DNA of today’s Jews is as much the same as their cousins of 33 AD who organized and oversaw the murder of Jesus Christ.

  3. America will have such sad news or events as long as we have so many passive, brainwashed and careless people who don’t react to the corruptions of their country….

  4. Damned right!!! And their mutated DNA makes ravenous Great White Sharks look like emissaries of brotherly love!

    The USS Liberty attack on International Waters remains an Act Of War and Netanyahu’s harem of 47 Senatorial whores are openly mocking ALL of front of the global community.

    At this point we disgrace ourselves by even referring to them as “American Senators”.

    And who the hell would want them? They sold their allegiance, loyalty, bodies, souls, and even their own children, to a rogue nuisance foreign country whose secret service specializes on deception.

    I could never understand why anyone would be insanely stupid enough to sell their essence to Satanists who specialize on deception and harbor loyalty to no one, not even themselves!

    And all this mutated crap for Baal-worshiping freaks and counterfeit bucks that can be de-valued at any time!!!

    What the hell!

  5. I neglected to mention this;

    If Iran really wanted to “wipe Israel off the map” then why the hell would the Iranians be stupid enough to waste their time, money and resources on uranium enrichment when all they would need is a Colbalt 60 Bomb?

    Millions of US Vets are sick and God Damned tired of honest hard working Americans being lied to, lied about, and slandered as “terrorists” and I am just one of them.

    Those of us who know our history are way past being fed up with their endless whining about “the Nazis”, “the Holocaust”, “the Muslim terrorists”, “Israel’s security”, when the cunning ones are killing us slowly and the dumb ones are trying to kill us yesterday.

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