0 thoughts on “Republican presidential contenders court evangelical ‘christian’ zionists in Iowa”
  1. Whats going on in America ?? They couldnt care less about the ordinary joe but say you are Jewish or support Jews and you have US Senators bowing to you and wanting your vote . US CITIZEN 1 ST class = JEW -US CITIZEN -2ND class =fundamentalist Zionist supporting “”Christians “” US CITIZEN 3RD class= MR/MRS/MS non jewish /christian fundamentalist -aka-the 99 % How many jews in the US has the Israeli Knesset controlled “police force “” killed ?? compare to how many non-Jews has the US Jewish police killed ?? – YOU!!! are foreigners in your own country I think thats outrageous !

  2. As I often have written here,Imgrewvip,in a connected Republican Family,and the GOP,was very Jew light years ago….sure the top of the nation,was run by Jew Finance,but the old GOP,was a bit of a break from them. Since the ride of the Neoconservative/Fundamentalist coalition this has changed. Plus the old Gentile industrialists,and other power brok rrs have gone extinct. The ‘Right’,today is entirely Judaic,and is fully part of the Jew Left/Right Matrix….this Talmudic system I’d the ingenious way,the Jews manipulate ,Democracies,with two wings. See,OCCULT FORCES 1943,YounTube,to understand the method. HITLER,THE MAN WHO FOUGHT THE BANK,You Tube.

  3. 80 million evangelicals loyal to the the terrorist crime state of Israel. These ignorent bastards are armed and delusional. The have a Jewish mind set and since Judaism is a psychosis we are really dealing with millions of violent delusional psychopaths.

  4. “Cruz called upon those in the audience to “get on their knees and pray” that the U.S. Supreme Court would not legalize same-sex marriage in all 50 states. He accused Democrats of trying to force their views of gay marriage upon America.”

    This worthless bastard says this yet supports one of the most gay friendly countries in the world…Israhell! Check out Tel Aviv’s gay parades year round. The stupidity of the evangelicals never ceases to amaze me. I had hoped to turn a few but I’m now believing you can’t fix stupid.

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