ed note–several important items contained in this one, ladies and Gentile-men…


Firsto–we can dismiss the notion that the ‘spoken Hebrew’ that was heard came from Hamas.


For simple situational and security reasons, they would never have–assuming they even had the capability–spoken in any language that the hostages could understand for fear that if the hostage were rescued or had managed somehow to escape that he/she could provide valuable info to the IDF.


So, that leaves the following question–


WHO was speaking in Hebrew?


The first possibility are those Jewish spies working for Mossad, Shin Bet and the IDF known as the ‘Mistarviim’. They are an intelligence, sabotage, kidnapping and assassination group of Arab Jews who easily pass as Palestinians due to their ethnic and cultural background, and it has been our assertion here at this humble little informational endeavor that all the tales to which the rest of the civilized world has been subject since Oct. 7th of rapes, beheadings, Jewish babies cooked in ovens, etc, (although certainly not taking place to the degree which the Pirates of Judea have alleged, nevertheless) were perpetrated in small numbers by these deeply-embedded Mistarviim spies in order to ‘frame the narrative’ for gullible western minds whose support for the planned genocide in Gaza was an absolute necessity.


The other possibility is that the ‘spoken Hebrew’ was that of the IDF assassins who were sent in to execute those six hostages featured in the story below, an event that worked MASSIVELY in Israel’s favor by painting the Jypsy State as the poor, beleaguered, pure-as-the-wind-driven-snow victim of the brutal, barbaric ‘terrorist’ entity Hamas and which resulted in–as Netanyahu said when asked about the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the US in 2001–‘immediate sympathy’ for Israel. 


Either way, ladies and Gentile-men, this is one of those stories, much like the ones featuring the Dancing Israelis arrested in New Jersy on the morning of 911 where there is much more to it than meets the eye and whose details should be pursued DOGGEDLY by those looking to put the pieces of the Oct. 7th puzzle together in the way that makes sense.





The IDF informed families of hostages executed by Hamas in Gaza that Kaid Farhan Alkadi who was rescued by forces in August told the troops that he had heard the voice of a female speaking Hebrew nearby.


Later, six Israelis were found executed in a Rafah tunnel.


The information was given to the families of the six slain hostages last week and was not made known to the general public until a report on local channel 12 on Saturday.


The military apologized for withholding the information. They said Alkadi had told the rescuers that he had been held in seclusion and had not seen any other hostages.


Alkadi was found on his own after his captors escaped. The IDF said that his report of hearing spoken Hebrew would not have changed the fate of the hostages because the military suspended all operations for 24-hours to assess the situation before continuing their offensive. At that time sensors were activated and there was no indication that any other hostages were nearby. Later on the bodies of the six executed hostages were found in a tunnel, hundreds of meters away as the crow flies. 


The military that had been conducting an investigation into their operations in Gaza said that lessons were learned during the ground offensive and new technologies were put into use to ensure no incidents such as the execution of hostages as troops neared their captives, were possible after the realization that the terrorists put their captives to death if they believe they may be uncovered by the IDF forces.

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