2 thoughts on “Rich Jews Bullied Me My Entire Life”
  1. On my Reading Material for the Dentist’s Waiting Room this article would rate a 2 (on a 1-to-10 scale). It is the self-pitying whine of a Chinese American about his travails in school and college in a Jew-dominated environment. No insight, no real understanding. The main impression the reader is left with is that the Jews must be right: all the Goyische resentment against them springs from one font: envy!
    This whiner wanted so badly to ingratiate himself with them, and in particular with the RICH Jews but they would not have him, they only derided him. His focus on the rich Jews and their possessions leaves no doubt that he only faults Jews for not opening the door just enough to let him squeeze in.
    Boo-hoo-hoo, he never had a Rollex watch! It breaks my heart.

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