‘We want the Jewish people in the land of Israel, and we will never give any part of the land of Israel to anybody…We will settle Gaza, we will settle Lebanon, we will settle the entire Promised Land’
ed note–by all appearances, it would seem that most people, including (or perhaps ESPECIALLY) those who fancy themselves as ‘pro-Palestinian’, ‘anti-Israel’, and all the rest, have not yet grasped the larger implications associated with all of this ‘ceasefire’ business coming to a head right before Donald Trump is to be inaugurated as POTUS.
Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, Trump has not ‘changed’, as many one-dimensional chatterboxes are intimating on their various blogs, websites, podcasts, etc.
The Donald J. Trump of today, the ‘Peace Candidate’ Trump of 2025, is the very same Donald J. Trump of 2016-2020.
If anything can be said to have changed, it is that he realizes how little time remains and how reduced are his resources in dousing the lit fuse ticking down to the same WWIII/Armageddon which the Pirates of Judea are determined to see take place, come hell or high water.
And no, ladies and Gentile-men, in the (likely) event that there exists some species of nonsense out there claiming that everything taking place right now is all ‘smoke and mirrors’ and that Trump is only ‘pretending’ to force this ceasefire through because Netanyahu ordered him to do it, ANYONE, irrespective of whatever advanced degrees or audience size they may possess, pushing this as ‘analysis’ needs to be ignored as much as if he or she were one of those televangelist preachers who ‘heal’ the crippled by slapping their foreheads, resulting in the ‘healed’ jumping to their feet and Moonwalking across the stage in the manner made famous by Michael Jackson.
It, the ceasefire, is, as they say, ‘the real deal’, ladies and Gentile-men, and no, Trump is not doing this in order to ‘save’ Israel, but rather to mitigate as much as possible the same aforementioned WWIII/Armageddon that the followers of Torah Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, set into motion with the events of Oct. 7th.
Now, as far as some of the particulars found in the story below, nota bene the following–
The same people featured in this story protesting Trump’s ceasefire are cut from the same ideological cloth as the people holding the lion’s share of power in the current Israeli government, and all can rest assured that the ‘brains’ and money behind this protest, AS WELL AS ALL THOSE THAT ARE TO COME IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE, originated with Netanyahu and with his inner circle of Torah terrorists, including Smotrich and Ben Gvir.
As an aside and for the record, it should be recounted that in the aftermath of Ben Gvir, Smotrich, Netanyahu and other ‘right wingers’ saying during the most recent election season how much they ‘looked forward’ to Trump’s return to the White House because they were going to be given the green light in doing whatever they wanted in realizing ‘Greater Israel’, and how all the ‘usual suspects’ in the ‘pro-Palestinian/anti-Zionist’ circles used this as prima facie evidence that Trump and Netanyahu were joined at the hip and that the new POTUS was going to act as a rubber stamp for everything Netanyahu wanted, that we here at this humble little informational endeavor said that one of the first things Trump would do after taking office would be to bring to a screeching halt all the religiously-mandated genocide, murder and mayhem that has been ‘the norm’ since Oct. 7th.
Anyway, back to the news piece below–
Trump–in his ‘depriving’ the Jews of the thing which they have been planning on for the last 3,000 years, i.e. of ‘Greater Israel’, has just kicked over a hornet’s nest like no other US President in history has done, the only possible exception being Eisenhower who ordered the Jews to cease and desist with their war against Egypt in 1956.
The Jews–and especially Netanyahu’s government filled to the brim with religious terrorists, know exactly what it is that Trump plans to do, which is to (eventually) push the Jews back to the pre-1967 lines, make Joo-roo-salem a sovereign entity similar to the Vatican that is owned by no one except itself, and, most importantly, the thing which the Jews oppose with 666% of their beings, an internationally-recognized state for the Palestinian people.
Therefore, ladies and Gentile-men, do not just anticipate, but rather, EXPECT, some GRAND act of terrorism, MANY OF THEM IN FACT, to take place and beginning in the very near future, as Netanyahu and his gang of Torah Terrorists attempt to ‘flip the script’ on what POTUS DJT plans to do with his re-invigorated ‘Deal of the Century’ that will effectively cage ‘the beast’ of ‘Judea Resurrecta’ and which the Jews plan to establish as their ‘HQ’ for their ‘Moschiac’.
Times of Israel
Around one thousand right-wing protesters rallied in Jerusalem on Thursday night against the hostage-ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas that was announced a day earlier.
Organized by families on Israel’s political right, the ’emergency rally’ served as a last-minute bid against the deal, which many speakers noted was spurred on by incoming US President Donald Trump.
Police arrested several demonstrators for blocking traffic, damaging vehicles and setting fires on the road later that night during the demonstration.
Attendees displayed banners calling for Israel to continue the war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip until victory, as others held signs calling for ‘conquest, expulsion, settlement’ in the enclave.
The rally began in a disorganized fashion, with some participants clustered near the central stage, others in the protest tent for coffee, tea, and women’s prayers. Another group of mainly young men blocked an intersection further up the road.
Speakers on the central stage called on the protesters blocking traffic to join in the main rally, where family members of slain soldiers and settler leaders delivered speeches.
Berale Crombie, an organizer with the Gvura Forum, a group of bereaved families, prefaced the speeches by demanding that government ministers vote against the deal in Friday’s cabinet meeting.
‘The State of Israel is not just another star on the American flag,’ he said. ‘The Trump deal is bad for Israel.’
Yehoshua Shani, the chairman of the forum whose son, Uri Mordechai Shani, was killed in battle on October 7, insisted that the only way to free the hostages was through ‘total military victory.’
He called on government ministers, particularly those in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, to ‘gather courage’ and vote against the agreement.
Veteran settler activist Daniella Weiss railed against Trump and a prospective peace agreement with Saudi Arabia while calling for Jewish settlement in Gaza.
‘Trump promised hell for Gaza, but he is giving us hell, the Jewish people!’ she exclaimed to the crowd.
Weiss, a longtime religious Zionist leader who played a central role in founding West Bank settlements following the Six-Day War, has recently been a leading advocate of resettling Gaza.
She bemoaned the fact that many on Israel’s right convinced themselves that Trump ‘will bring us only good things as if he is the Moschiac (Messiah) but here he is, already seeking peace with Saudi Arabia,’ she said, calling the prospect an ‘illusion of world peace.’
‘The time has come to go back and cancel this deal. It is a shame and disgrace that we are here, crawling before our enemies,’ she continued.
The crowd began to chant ‘death to terrorists’ during a brief pause in the speech.
Weiss, claiming there was rejoicing across the Arab world at news of a hostage and ceasefire deal, then said it is ‘not just rejoicing, but preparations to attack, preparations for war.’
She then repeated some of her points in English in an appeal to international media, claiming the entire world fears Trump because ‘the way that he rewarded Hamas for attacking Israel, he is going to reward Russia for attacking Ukraine.’
She called on Netanyahu and others in his cabinet to ‘go by the values of the Torah, the values of the Jewish nation,’ and vote against a hostage and ceasefire deal.
‘We want the Jewish people in the land of Israel and we will never give any part of the land of Israel to anybody,’ she said. ‘We will settle Gaza, we will settle Lebanon, we will settle the entire Promised Land!’ she concluded to widespread applause.
After Weiss left the stage, Tzvika Mor, the father of Hamas-held hostage Eitan Mor, lamented to the crowd that his son ‘paid the price’ for the 2011 deal to free captured soldier Gilad Shalit.
Later in the evening, protesters again blocked traffic at an intersection further up the road. According to a police statement, law enforcement arrested three protesters for disturbing the peace and damaging vehicles that were passing by the demonstration.
One of the suspects was arrested for using pepper spray against the protesters, police said. Protesters also blocked traffic, including emergency vehicles, and ignited a fire in the middle of the road, according to the statement.