LIVE SCIENCE – Archaeologists say they’ve found evidence of a battlefield from the Roman emperor Titus’ siege of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Recent excavations revealed a section of the so-called “Third Wall” of Jerusalem that Titus’ army breached on its way to conquering the city, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA).
Who writes history? Archeological finds from the 1800 up through the Gezer dig in1910 doesn’t show the history we’re fed about the old testament by our “history” books and religious zealots. So much so that much that was found is not published or even available, or is overseen (fabricated) by special interests. These same interests tie themselves into knots trying to justify detestable acts of violence, immorality, lying, cheating and deceit. Abrahamic religions are now mostly a front for covetousness, aggression, genocide, asset stripping, all done by any means possible.
C’mon, hey, Titus!?! Over here… good, thanks for stopping that horse… hmmm, hey, how would you like to do that conquering of Jerusalem again? You would? Go for it, man. Never was a place that needed crushing more than that nest of Zionist Nazis (who call themselves Jews but are a synagogue of Satan… Revelation 2:9)