Florida legislator seeking the Republican presidential nomination blames PA for talks deadlock
Times of Israel
US Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, said he would not pursue a two-state solution for the Israel-Palestinian conflict right now.
“I don’t think the conditions exist for that today,” Rubio said Wednesday during a question-and-answer session hosted by PBS’s Charlie Rose at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “That’s the ideal outcome, but the conditions for a two-state solution at this moment do not exist.”
Rubio, a hawk on pro-Israel issues, blamed the Palestinian Authority, the official government of the Palestinians, for the current situation, as well as the lack of unity among the Palestinians. He also pointed out that the Palestinians had rejected two previous peace offers from Israel.
“I think the most we can hope for in the short term is that the Palestinians Authority will be able to provide a level of stability in that territory. And ultimately, the conditions will rise up with new leadership that will allow something like that to happen,” he said, according to Haaretz.
Rubio said that that there was little difference between the view of the threat posed by Iran held by him and by Benjamin Netanyahu except that the Israeli prime minister “lives a lot closer to them than I do,” according to the New York Times.
He heavily criticized President Barack Obama’s foreign policy moves, and said that lifting sanctions on Iran under a proposed deal agreed to by the Islamic Republic and the world powers would lead to a “cascade of nuclear proliferation” that could force Israel to “take bold action” and foment a war in the region.
Earlier this month Rubio tried to amend Congressional legislation to require that Iran recognize Israel as a precondition to any nuclear deal.
During his speech Rubio asserted that: “Today, like never before, foreign policy is domestic policy.”
Rubio is expected to run with the support of Jewish billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson in the 2016 presidential campaign.
0 thoughts on “Rubio: Palestinian statehood ‘not currently possible’”
The “two state solution”,was mostly a bi-partisen policy,supported by Nixon through even Bush 2! One can see how far the Republican Party has fallen into the Jewish garbage dump. Rubio,a Marranos Jew (his name,and look is pure Sephardic Jew),is a favorite of the GOPs owner Sheldon Adelson. His comments are wholly for his continued support.
Rubio, you are completely out of touch
pendejo…remember how Fidel came to power….your own stupid people..cubanos gusanos
The two state solution?. What kind of solution would it be?. Israel has already stolen more than 90% of the original Palestine. Where are the Palestinian people going to establish their State since every thing has been taken little by little with no stopping or limits from the UN or any one else?.
The peace with these diabolical Khazarian Mafia, the Criminal Babylonian Talmudist “Jews” will never be possible, they want the whole Palestine for themselves as a base of operations to conquer the rest of the Middle East and slave whole world. Wake up brother Americans.
Sotomayor. Este desdichado, pendejo Rubio solamente quiere dinero y poder. y le besa las nalgas a Satanyahu para tener una posicion en Washington.
Sotomayor. This stupid SOB only wants money and power and he kisses Satanyahu’s ass for a place in Washington.
The “two state solution”,was mostly a bi-partisen policy,supported by Nixon through even Bush 2! One can see how far the Republican Party has fallen into the Jewish garbage dump. Rubio,a Marranos Jew (his name,and look is pure Sephardic Jew),is a favorite of the GOPs owner Sheldon Adelson. His comments are wholly for his continued support.
Rubio, you are completely out of touch
pendejo…remember how Fidel came to power….your own stupid people..cubanos gusanos
The two state solution?. What kind of solution would it be?. Israel has already stolen more than 90% of the original Palestine. Where are the Palestinian people going to establish their State since every thing has been taken little by little with no stopping or limits from the UN or any one else?.
The peace with these diabolical Khazarian Mafia, the Criminal Babylonian Talmudist “Jews” will never be possible, they want the whole Palestine for themselves as a base of operations to conquer the rest of the Middle East and slave whole world. Wake up brother Americans.
Sotomayor. Este desdichado, pendejo Rubio solamente quiere dinero y poder. y le besa las nalgas a Satanyahu para tener una posicion en Washington.
Sotomayor. This stupid SOB only wants money and power and he kisses Satanyahu’s ass for a place in Washington.