S-300PM-2 batteries boast improved radar and communications, are intended to thwart IDF targeting of Iran-backed forces, Russian newspaper says
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For decades the decietfully lying zios have been trying to get the US to destroy Iran for “isn’t-real” .. Isn’t it about time the US flush “isn’t-real” backdoen intyo the sewers of Hell for the rest of the World? “No lie can live forever” and diseased zio lies are the WORST..
“Despite the delivery of the S-300 air defense systems to the Syrian military, Israel was committed as a matter of self-defense to continue its “legitimate activity in Syria against Iran and its proxies, which state their intention to destroy us,” Netanyahu said.”
By “legitimate activity in Syria” Nuttyahoo means the continuation of illegal and unperturbed bombing of a sovereign nation that the Yews want to carve up.