Ed-note (Sabba) – A few days ago, German Chancellor A. Merkel agreed with President Obama that Russia must be ‘held accountable’ for her actions in Ukraine, despite NATO ammunition and weapons being found all over Ukraine!

Russia could easily destroy Germany by cutting off her natural gas. But she won’t (not just yet anyway): Putin understands that in terms of PR, this would be an absolute disaster for Russia.

Russophile sentiments, support and sheer admiration for Mr. Putin are growing every day all over Western Europe. The people of many EU countries have enough of their politicians and whisper louder and louder that they want a Statesman of the caliber of Mr. Putin: they want their own Putin.

So rather than freezing the Germans to death this winter, some Russian MPs were left with no option other than to throw the ball back to Germany and those who control her (and the US): “Germany paid compensation for 6 million victims of the Holocaust, but has ignored the 27 million Soviet people who were killed [during World War II], 16 million of whom were civilians” said Mikhail Degtyaryov, thus hitting 2 birds with one stone…

We know that Russian Defense Minister has announced on January 27th that he would start the declassification process of the documents relating to the liberation of Auschwitz…

We can not wait for the Russian authorities to release the satellite pictures/videos they have on September 11th 2001…

And then there will be Light.


0 thoughts on “ЯUSSIA STRIKES BACK: Яussian Lawmakers Want Germany to Pay Reparations for World War II”
  1. I sincerely hope the disastrous fire Russia has recently experienced has not affected the documents/photos/videos and other documentation. I fear the worse. I am keen to see what documentation will be brought forward. As Herr Merkel is so keen, so anxious and so willing to continue with the blackmail to zionville, perhaps she will have a new headache to contend with. As usual, it will fall right on the shoulders of the German people.

  2. Here is a direct link to Lavrov’s Munich speech today, Please note, Saker has very dire and interesting warnings on what is at hand:

    On side note, it is deplorable to see McCain with his smirk…….also the trolls are in full gear on that youtube page.

    We are in this juncture simply because out leadership all sided have turned blind eyes to the wrong doing of the Jewish Supremacist madhatters with their inverted world. Had many called them out from the beginning we would not wait for scraps of verifiable truth now in this day and age, even if the sheeple are shown these above documents they would not believe it now……

  3. “Russian experts say it is unrealistic to recover any reparations seventy years after the end of the war. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras spoke about making reparation claims, but Germany made it clear it was not going to pay anything.”

    If the Greeks and Russians were Jews, they could receive reparations forever.

  4. Declassifying documents about the liberation of Auschwitz? Noooooo! The “gas chambers” and “ovens:” lies (to which the SU has co-operated) would be exposed. Maybe this is just a not-so-subtle threat to the anglo-zionist empire

  5. Edward, I am sharing Your concerns since we are dealing with an entity which has and is using falsification of history, and plagiarism, to advance their agenda and to erase their steps and origens. Library of Alexandria? How many others possibly? Watched Mr. Lavrov’s speech: More debates, analysis and discussions on the which is better: To be part of the global economy/international system run by jewish high finance, thought and science as a semi independent nation or as a member of a block of nations. These seem to be the parameters of the false dichotomy. The judeo-freemason concept of ‘Democracy’ gives parameters and the illusion of freedom and the possibility of change but in reality every thing goes around in circles, as intented. Auschwitz: We already got the pertinent documents and ‘numbers’ from the international Red Cross. Much better than anything coming from the jewish-bolshevist run former Red Army (which is on record having modified buildings). Any possible discussions of reparations need to take into account Soviet Russia’s build up of the largest invasion army on Germany’s border, speeches by Stalin (J. Jugashvilie) and documents and the fact that Russia is still occupying (illegally by the The Huage convention of warfare) parts of Germany the Konigsberg/Kaliningrad territories. Same goes for Poland. Eastern German provinces.

  6. I agree with all of the insightful commentators here. Sorry,I have come not to trust Russia. To my regret,they are retaining the nagging Soviet/Jewish/Western style line on WW2. Germany must always wear the sack cloth,and ashes,even though WAR was declared on them,and UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER demanded. The Soviets where ready to launch a huge offensive on Germany ,when Hitler was FORCED to jump them June 22,1941. (see: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD – YT. HITLERS WAR- David Irving Action Report.Com) …this threat of reparation demand ,must of been in the works ,for a while. This is why the the Russian PR line on the Ukraine ,is blaming,”Nazis”, and they are pushing the Holohoax. The release of the Soviet Auschwitz documents,are the manufactured ones,by the Jewish NKVD,which came up,with the gas chamber nonsense,and other Rube Goldberg torture contraptions,all for the Nuremberg Sanhedrin. Putins scripts are typical LEFT/RIGHT doublespeak,on all of this. Nor will it endear him or Russia to ANYONE ,in Germany/Austria/or within Nationalist ranks,all over Europe;while NOT gaining him any LEFT support. When will the WW2 Anti-NAZI-GERMAN football game be over ! Or the ‘hot potato ‘cool?’ It is Russia who OWES Eastern Europe/Germany. Russian threats are what made NATO ,popular at one time. W. Germany the front line state. Don ‘t blow it again Putin. Remember: We are dealing with the Slavic Mindset. They will put aside any hatred of the real enemy-Jews, (they know this) to get at GERMANY -they think; FIRST. This is what has kept them down since the 19th Century. We all cry over the Romanovs,and Mother Russias marytyrdom from the Jewish Reds,but PLEASE REMEMBER. Nicholas Stupidly rejected Russo -German cooperation,and went into the war ,against Germany on the BRITISH/FRENCH side ! This weakend Russia,and made it ripe for Revolution. The Germans defeated the Russians is battle,after battle! The Czars reward? Overthrow,by the JEWS ,and he ,and family where not even granted exile in the WEST ! It was the Soviets who threw away the Russia-German Non -Aggression Agreement of 1939,by their demands at Hitler Molotov meeting October 1940. Also take note: Putin,and RT are no longer taking the Anti-NWO lines. Not that he has changed ,but is a door open? The Russians want OUT of this crises. they are looking angles. Beware of a letdown.

  7. This could get interesting but I feel that Russia as well as the “allied victors” of that time do not want the whole truth coming out to the masses.

    The truths are out there on The Greatest Story Never Told and the Justice For Germans website.

    There’s a ton of skeletons in the closets of all these countries.

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