4 thoughts on “Russian Church Replaces Rome as the Center of Christianity?”
  1. The Roman Catholic Church was buffeted by ,and infiltrated by the Jews as long ago as the Counter Reformation.
    It played games with the Jews/Masons, but finally fell in full to them at Vatican Council 2.
    They never looked back ,and neither did the West.
    Today ,it is just the Jews yes men. Scared of the tribes media revelations about their sex ,and financial scandels.
    They tore up Christ’s New Covenant ,for the ” kingdoms of the earth” they the Jews offered them,but won’t truly deliver go them.
    Today,it’s not Christ ,and his liberation from the Jews they preach ,but a return to their chains.
    They are the ,” harlot of Babylon which makes the world worship the beast ( Jews) ,and are little different from the Evangelical Fundamentalists , who where the Jews original ” Judeo Christianity ” creations.
    Today ,original Christianity is pivoting East.
    President Vladimer Putin stands with Russian traditions,and his nations national sovereignty.
    He rose through the ranks of a nation poisioned by first Jewish Communism ,and later Jewish Finance Capital.
    Only by giving a people a faith with tradition ,can they fully liberate themselves from these Judaic manifestations again.
    His full support of Russian Orthodox Foundations will build a bulwork against the International Jews, NWO.

  2. #1 You just said it all with the right words. Christianity in Mother Russia is raising up from the ashes. The Jewish Bolsheviks destroyed all the Churches while the Synagogues were not touched.
    The Churches in the Western Hemisphere have been infiltrated, and destroyed by Judaism and its cohorts in crime, Masonry, Illuminati, Jesuits, etc. They are not Christian any more. The Catholic Church has done so many aberrations that the late John Paul II in 1967 canonized Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) and they adore Lucifer instead of Jesus. (There are some songs in which they mention the name of Lucifer) Watch “The Plot Against the Church” by Maurice Pinai. Also “The Church Infiltrated by Judaism 101”.

  3. You’re right as usual…I just hope I live to see them take the beating they deserve in the physical world. They’ve already lost ANY KIND of struggle in the spiritual world. LORD let it happen!

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