GEOPOLITICA – The air defense of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet has declared that it is combat alert. This comes with the expectation that a US-led coalition, that would include France and the United Kingdom, will strike the Syrian military within the next 24 hours.

The reason for such a strike, a decision that US President Donald Trump is yet to make, is because the Syrian military have been blamed for an alleged chemical weapons attack in the East Ghouta town of Duma to the east of Damascus city center.

Russian chemical investigators have found no traces of chemicals being used at the alleged attack site, with Damascus approving an international investigation team to conduct their own research. However, despite no investigations made, Trump has made it clear he is prepared to attack Syria. SOURCE

2 thoughts on “Russia’s Black Sea Fleet on combat alert”
  1. Trump and Putin both know what really happened and who did it. They’re just giving israel enough rope to hang itself.

  2. Go ahead, Trump, get your hands bloody with sacrifice to Jehovah. They’ll make the U.S. pay far more than Germany did in the first and second wars combined. Meanwhile, the two-headed beast will come out smelling like roses and pointing fingers at everyone else. Hmmm… Can you hear the hiss of the serpent? Go ahead, Trump, sacrifice the first born, sssssssssssssss……..

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