0 thoughts on “Saffron Terror: Israel’s monks target Rohingya Muslims to Destabilize China”
  1. It has always been a most unsettling thing ‘Bhuddist Terrorists’. First heard of this high strangeness on Jonathan Azaziah’s ‘Mask of Zion’ radio podcast. A Philosophy like this being infiltrated and used as a proxy to do the dirty work of the jew is an absurdity. Yet we are facing just such a scenario. Ashin Varith a ‘monk’ as it were has been setup as a ‘leader’ of the Bhuddist Terrorist org 969. He and his filthy minions are slaughtering innocent people who are Muslims and some are Christians. This madness is a template of Rothschild’s plan of planetary domination now taking place in the Middle East with ISIS/ISIL and in Eastern Europe, the Ukraine. Not surprised however to read another familiar name, George Soros the Hungarian jew, bagman & Rothschild operative who provides funding for the ‘Colored Revolutions’ fomented to cause destabilization in the targeted Nations his overlords wish to control. They are vile and their sinister plans do have a structure. Long term and profoundly evil, cold calculated in their nature. This stuff is truly heart breaking to read. But we must stand together in exposing it and stopping them.

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