4 thoughts on “Sandy Hook Hoaxer Justin Hess "Justin Wooley" Arrested for Murdering his mother”
  1. Well, in keeping with his mind set,,,, they set him up obviously.
    ed note–lol. no, not ‘obviously set up’. How about the possibility that he really is as crazy as he has been described and did exactly the thing for which he has been charged? I have know a few myself throughout my many years/decades in this ‘movement’.

  2. I think the Sandy Hookers are a psy-op to distract from 9-11 and paint all “Conspiracy Theorists” as wack-jobs. Who would pay any attention to the Sandy Hook hoax when we have 9-11 to work on??
    Sandy Hookers are a bunch of jerk-offs.

  3. One of kinky balloons, balloonatics? It’s all a hoax no mums were killed, he’s not crying, in one of the photos you can clearly see two people in fatigues they must be mossard agents. This is all an elaborate hoax to take our mothers off us.

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