5 thoughts on “Sarah Silverman calls for military to overthrow President Trump”
  1. Americans should declare an all out war on the chosen. Doesn’t anyone realize what’s going on?

  2. Sarah Silverman, putative “comic”, has YouTube videos, images archived, a legacy of smut, anti-Christian ravings, and more. Just like others, SS [interesting initials] might well claim, “Hey! All a joke!”
    I feel sure SS — like her namesake SS before her, good, friendly neighborhood cops, right? [joke, right?!] — is a sweet young girl who meant no disrespect toward Jesus Christ or his followers (see “I would kill Christ again“ on a YouTube excerpt, still not taken down as “hate speech”) – just a JOKE, lighten up you goyim! — and harbors no ill will towards any of the human race. We subhumans applaud her liberal minded generosity!
    We shall see if, and how well, the “military” listens to this perspicacious, savvy (savage?), precious if not precocious female sage of Kultural Marxism. Maybe the Secret Service, ostensibly having Donald Trump’s back — egads, another SS! how many can there be?! Is The Donald receiving Social Security [SS!!] payments monthly??– will also take notice. If Sarah would kill Christ again, would she also kill Mr. Trump for the first time?!
    Of course,not — just a joke, right? Or left?

  3. mis interpretation
    sara actually calling on military
    to throw her over
    and do what they do best
    one company at a time

  4. Silverman’s call for a military overthrow of Trump is a possibility not so remote as you might think considering that the military has been largely successful in purging all non-Zionist officers resulting in the present USAF leadership in particular:

  5. Imagine if anyone was speaking like that about the criminal Nut-and- Yahoo.
    I agree with Gary’s #1 comment–how can people not be aware of the complete Jewish hegemony of the western world, especially USA?
    The only consolation is that Stolenland will cease to exist sometime in 2018, according to prophecy.

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