saudi arabia israel

All… except little sister israel.

PRAVDA — Saudi Arabia threatens the United States to take measures to protect its 750-billion-dollar investment in the American economy, should the US hold Saudi officials responsible for 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington.

Saudi Arabia’s actions look like blackmail, President of the Institute for the Middle East, Yevgeny Satanovsky believes.

“This is not about the protection of investments. In fact, the Saudis are blackmailing the Americans by threatening to sell their assets in the United States. This is a significant amount of $750 billion. Such a move would undoubtedly cut the price of US corporate and government securities – they will be unloaded on the market immediately,” the expert told Pravda.Ru.

At the same time, the Americans are very good at protecting their economy, Mr. Satanovsky noted. “This could come as an unpleasant surprise for Saudi Arabia,” he added.

The cherry on the top is the fact that the law about 9/11 terrorist attacks will expose the information that is no secret in the military and political communities of the US. The exposed data will hold the Saudi administration, including the foreign intelligence service of the country, accountable for September 11 attacks, for creating al-Qaeda terrorist network and many other things, for which the Americans have been fighting for 35 years at the expense of thousands of lives.


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