Sabba – I have run out of adjectives to describe the zionist kingdom of yehudi Arabia. I just can not wait to see the destruction of the house of saud and the liberation of the Arabian Peninsula.

JERUSALEM POST – Challenging the view on homosexuality, a Saudi religious preacher has argued that although homosexuality is a sin, it should not be punishable by law, the Saudi daily Eilaph reported Saturday, citing an interview in a Swedish newspaper.

In the interview, Salman Odah stated that “even though homosexuality is considered a sin in all the Semitic holy books, it does not require any punishment in this world. It is a sin that will accompany its committer in the life after death.”

“Homosexuals are not deviating from Islam. Homosexuality is a grave sin, but those who say that homosexuals deviate from Islam are the real deviators. By condemning homosexuals to death they are committing a graver sin than homosexuality itself,” Odah further said.

“Even though homosexuality does not distance oneself from Islam, the Islam does not encourage individuals who have same-sex attraction to show their feelings in public,” Odah added.

The Saudi cleric’s remarks aroused fiery reactions on Arab social media networks, where a campaign under the hashtag “Odah permits homosexuality” was launched.

“According to Sharia law, homosexuals should be killed. How can you say homosexuality should not be punishable, Sheikh?” Fadi Matiri, a Saudi citizen commented on Twitter.

A Twitter user named “Saudi rights activist” suggested that Odah’s remarks are a result of an American outcry over LGBT rights in the Saudi Kingdom.

“Five days ago a delegation of the American Congress signed a document against gays’ execution in Saudi Arabia. What is your explanation?” he asked Odah.

Sixty-year-old Odah is a prominent supporter of the Saudi regime, who was “rehabilitated” in the 1990’s after inciting the opposition against the regime.

One thought on “Saudi (yehudi) cleric: ‘Homosexuality not a deviation from Islam, should not be punished’”
  1. The old fart was most likely looking for a way to excuse his own buggery of whatever passed his way. Well he has been Talmudized as the article mentions at the end.

    Sorry, had to say it. He speaks like a rabbi, twisting and distorting to make a crooked point.

    This is also further fuel for the Shia Sunni divide since a common anti-Iran ploy is to mention the death sentence for gays. Israel years ago said it would use gays as part of their war on humanity and their local wars as well by harnessing their… outrage..

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