
Riyadh and other Gulf capitals reportedly will insist they will have ‘whatever the Iranians have,’ as Camp David summit gets underway

ed note–MAMMA MIA, WHAT A COINCIDENCE–Netanyahu ‘predicts’ a Middle East arms race and next thing you know–BATTA BING, BATTA BAMB, BATTA BOOM–Saudi Arabia is threatening one.

Times of Israel

Saudi Arabian officials are warning that they will seek to match Iran’s nuclear arsenal, a US newspaper reported Thursday, as US President Barack Obama and leaders from six Gulf nations — including Riyadh — convened outside Washington to work through tensions sparked by the US bid for a nuclear deal with Tehran, a pursuit that has put regional partners on edge.

Along with Saudi Arabia, smaller Arab countries also say they also plan to pursue a nuclear weapons program to offset Iran’s, portending a much-feared nuclear arms race in the Middle East, according to the New York Times.

“We can’t sit back and be nowhere as Iran is allowed to retain much of its capability and amass its research,” one Arab leader attending the Camp David summit told the New York Times.

The official, who was unnamed, said he and others will also make their case to Obama at the meeting Thursday.

Obama is seeking to reassure the Gulf leaders gathering at Camp David that US overtures to Iran will not come at the expense of commitments to their security. He is expected to offer them more military assistance, including increased joint exercises and coordination on ballistic missile systems.

Obama and the leaders from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain opened their talks with a private dinner Wednesday night at the White House. Just two heads of state are among those meeting Obama, with other nations sending lower-level but still influential representatives.

Arab and Israeli officials have lobbied against the deal, though Gulf states have kept their criticism more discreet. Yet leaders around the region have warned that Iranian nuclear development will lead them to also pursue nuclear programs of their own, a worrying idea in a part of the world already riven by violent conflicts.

“Whatever the Iranians have, we will have, too,” former Saudi intelligence head Prince Turki bin Faisal said last month at a special session of the Asan Plenum, a conference held by the South Korean-based Asan Institute for Policy Studies, according to the New York Times.

Faisal also warned that the Iranian nuclear deal “opens the door to nuclear proliferation, not closes it, as was the initial intention.”

When Thursday’s meetings at the presidential retreat in the Maryland mountains conclude, it’s unlikely Obama will have fully assuaged the Gulf’s deep-seated fear of Iranian meddling in the region.

“My guess is that the summit is going to leave everybody feeling a little bit unsatisfied,” said Jon Alterman, the Middle East director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The most notable absence from the meeting is Saudi King Salman. On Sunday, Saudi Arabia announced that the king was skipping the summit, just two days after the White House said he was coming.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman were representing Saudi Arabia instead. They held a separate meeting with Obama before the other leaders arrived.

The president made no mention of Saudi skepticism of the Iran talks as he opened the meeting, but acknowledged the region is in the midst of a “very challenging time.”

The White House and Saudi officials insist the king is not snubbing Obama. But Salman’s conspicuous absence comes amid indisputable signs of strain in the long relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia, driven not only by Obama’s Iran overtures, but also the rise of Islamic State militants and a lessening US dependency on Saudi oil.

“There have been disagreements under this administration and under the previous administration about certain policies and development in the Middle East, but I think on a set of core interests, we continue to have a common view about what we aim to achieve,” said Ben Rhodes, Obama’s deputy national security adviser.

The Gulf summit comes as the US and five other nations work to reach an agreement with Iran by the end of June to curb its nuclear ambitions in exchange for relief from international economic sanctions. The Gulf nations fear that an influx of cash will only facilitate what they see as Iran’s aggression.

The White House says a nuclear accord could clear the way for more productive discussions with Iran about its reputed terror links. The US has criticized Iran’s support for Hezbollah, as well as terror attacks carried out by Iran’s Quds Force.

In 2011, the Obama administration accused Iran of plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States in Washington.

The Saudis are also particularly concerned about the situation in Yemen, where Houthi rebels with ties with Iran have ousted the US- and Saudi-backed leader.

For more than a month, a Saudi-led coalition has tried to push back the Houthis with a relentless bombing campaign. On Tuesday, a five-day humanitarian ceasefire went into effect, though the pause in fighting was already at risk. A jet fighter from the Saudi coalition on Wednesday struck a military convoy belonging to Shiite rebels and their allies in southern Yemen.

Saudi officials cited the ceasefire as one of the reasons why King Salman needed to stay in Riyadh and not make the trip to the United States.

The Saudi king isn’t the only head of state sending a lower-level representative to the summit. The heads of the United Arab Emirates and Oman have had health problems and were not making the trip.

Bahrain’s royal court announced Wednesday that rather than travel to Washington, King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa would be attending a horse show and meeting with Queen Elizabeth II.

0 thoughts on “Saudis to warn Obama they will match Iran’s nuke buildup”
  1. According to PNAC, the KSA was one of the “fortunate” countries on the hit list ~ further down from Iraq of course because KSA was still serving its purpose. Things have changed with the passing of the old king into the power hungry hands of his descendants.

    No surprises that KSA is being busy in this considering its multiple connections with Israel and the fact that part of KSA land is “Eretz Israel’. The question of ‘when’ was the only one left. Here we are. The deceptive role of KSA in ME politics has been hidden for many decades and now the mask comes off as the leaders of that nation begin to swarm into international policies and play the game more openly ~ the arrogance and hubris of the Jew cannot be hidden for long even if they pose as the heads of Islam warped into Wahabbism.

    You think that their Islamic blasphemy is not a weapon of biblical proportions? Or perhaps serves as a spiritual bomb intended to destroy the very fabric of not only Islam but all forms of civilization as part of the Israeli Eretz plan? There are weapons and then there are weapons.

    But you know Israel is just up to its ears in this and then some here. It is well known that ISIS stands for … hehe… It’s Still Israel, Sweetheart. Just another weapon.

    The Jewish fly under the saddle blanket in the ME has infested the body of the animal beyond repair. Every organ is deteriorating and going mad but no one has the necessary bullet to stop the progression. Instead the doctor is aiding and abetting the disease, not the patient.

    It is allllll going to according to plan.

  2. The Jews call it chutzpah I call it total arrogant disdain for the Truth .If you are going to tell a lie do it big . The problem is most of the goyim are brainwashed into believing it by western Jewish media 95 % control of TV/cable/internet/satellite etc They are treating us as dumb and dumber . I would like to say that the power of TUT is far reaching on two posts I commented on US cluster bombs killing civilians .Today I got an email from a soldiers wife who lost her husband because of them . I signed the petition she sent although I had to try twice as somebody tried to block me 56000 have already signed it.

  3. sure sounds like Israhell is behind this tactic… always keep everyone’s eyes directed elsewhere…while pushing the cong critters to weep for Israhell.

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