The potential 2016 presidential candidate added that the trip reinforces his belief that the United State must aggressively deal with terrorists abroad.


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker says a recent trip to Israel reminded him of post-September 11 America, claiming that the daily lives of Israelis resemble American life in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

Walker spoke Saturday to Iowa Republicans in West Des Moines after returning from his recent trip to Israel.

“Remember for a moment how many of us—the young people don’t remember this probably so well—but those of us as adults remember what we felt like on the day after Sept. 11,” the Wisconsin governor said. “That’s how they feel almost every day. That’s what they feel like because of what they’re dealing with.”

The potential 2016 presidential candidate added that the trip reinforced his belief that the United State must aggressively deal with terrorists abroad.

Walker criticized President Barack Obama’s foreign policy, which he says has been to “draw a red line in the sand and allow people to cross it.” Walker says the United States should deal with terrorism head on and “take the fight to them.”

Walker was to appear later Saturday at a dinner hosted by the Republican Party of Iowa. Walker has yet to announce his 2016 plans.

0 thoughts on “Scott Walker compares Israeli daily life to post-9/11 America”
  1. And WHO did 9/11 Scott Walker ASSHOLE?? USA DUMB shit politician just makes me feel sick and angry by the minute!! When are you going to have rage for those criminals behind 9/11 attack DUMB AMERICANS!!! YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT I FEEL DISGUSTED AND SICKKK OF YOU BY NOW!!!

  2. The Repulican politicians all remind me of little kids jumping all over themselves ,when a teacher offers them a special treat.”Pick me,pick me”,they cry,jumping all over each other for attention,and waving their arms. Little Scot Walker the stooge of the Koch Brothers is just trying so hard. The rat faced little dweeb,just has zero charisma,but mom,and dad,told him,he could “study hard”,”drink his milk”,and above all ,sell out to the Jews,and he could be “President someday”. I wonder if he “brown bagged “,a “ham sandwich”,to Israel? The nothing with no class uses that kind of BS,to get votes”I am so humble”,to the fools who vote for him,in Wisconsin.

  3. Yes, pity those poor traumatized “Israelis”. Those evil Palestinians have the audacity to complain about being murdered, raped, beat up and imprisoned; and they perhaps occasionally even shoot rockets into uninhabited areas resulting in no injuries, death, or even damage! What dastardly beasts those Palestinians are; the “Israelis” have every reason to feel like post-9/11 Americans! 🙄 😆

    Yes, the USA should focus intently on fighting terrorism. Unfortunately, though, that would require beginning at home with our own government, military, and ‘intelligence’ agencies – and with “Israel”. Those are the two main sources of terrorism! I wonder if or when that will happen?

  4. This Presidential race is a contest to see who can take it down the throat the deepest. They’re nothing but a bunch of crack whores turning tricks for their Jew masters. Not dealing with terrorists aggressively enough? Since 1990, the U.S. has slaughtered 4,000,000 Muslims but that’s not enough for good Christian Scott Walker.

  5. Yes. The American people need to get together in fighting the terrorists. Start with all the politicians in Washington who are the real terrorists disguised in an expensive suite. Like Rev. Louis Farrakhan said. “The US Government is controlled by diabolical forces”.

  6. Bought and paid for, wrapped up in a pretty white ribbon emblazoned with the blue star.

    If even the stupidest Americans don’t get it during the campaigning for this election then truly it is over.

    Do I really have to define the “it” I refer to?

  7. Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney both are great but………….as far as the media is concerned you will never hear what they have to say. Only a Jewish TV with Jewish moderators, and Jews, and Jews married to another Jew. Sounds like the playing field is now fixed.

    I’m sure they all got in the back office and kissed their wailing wall press before getting on TV.

  8. Dennis Kucinich is good sometimes and he is married to a beautiful young lady from the Middle East. (Search Dennis Kucinich’s wife) Sometimes his comments are two faced or sometimes I believe he just go with the crowd. And I think we will be willing to go and kiss the wailing wall, be circumcised and eat kosher just to please the Jews to keep him in power.

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